Chapter 15

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Lexa POV
I pick up the phone call knowing that Clarke will probably wait for me to eat. I reluctantly answer knowing something will be wanted of me. Especially since it's Anya that's calling. When doesn't Anya want something?

"Lexa, what are you doing right now?" Anya questioned me like always, in a surprisingly semi-nice tone.

"I'm busy Anya, what do you want?" I answered bluntly. I don't have time for this. I should be eating breakfast with Clarke. I start pacing the living room while stealing a couple of small glances at the kitchen.

"Busy doing that girl you brought to the ball? You know instead of being with her you should be fixing the problem you caused by bringing her," Anya said being completely opposite of what she was a few seconds ago, completely ruining the decent morning I was having.

"Did you call because you actually have a concern or did you call to insult me?" I questioned, somehow keeping my calmness.

"I called you to tell you that you need to fix your mistake, we are doing too good for you to ruin it with a simple mistake," I abruptly stop pacing the room and end up staring at Clarke in the kitchen. I completely tune out Anya for my own thoughts.

'A simple mistake'? Was bringing Clarke to the ball a mistake? Was letting her in a mistake? I keep staring at the woman that is waiting on me. 'A simple mistake'? Clarke is far from that... I think. She is most definitely not simple, but is she a mistake?

Clarke turns around in her chair and catches me staring at her. She doesn't back down from my stare like most people do but instead she stares back with the same intensity. The emotion in her eyes, tearing into mine, was so deep and yet they carried such warmth. They had a thousand hues of blue swirling within an ocean, full of life yet so uncertain. Her soft smile brought me out of my admiration for her eyes. A small smirk unwillingly somehow found its way to my face as I kept looking at her. She blushed lightly before turned back around as I watched her begin to fidget with her phone.

"Woods, are you even listening to me?" Anya said over the phone, waiting a couple of seconds for me to respond.

"Anya, today's my day off. Not to mention it's your day off. All of this that you consider a 'mistake' can be dealt with on Monday. If you have actual concerns text Echo, if not goodbye." I said hanging up my phone before looking back over at the blond sitting in the kitchen patiently waiting for me.

I see her attention is fully on the phone in front of her, paying no attention to the things surrounding her. I put my phone in my back pocket after putting it on do not disturb. I start walking towards her with a devious plan in mind.


I see a blur of blond jump out of her seat. She somehow manages to fall and the next thing I know I'm laying on the ground with Clarke once again in my arms. Even though both of us are fully clothed, my body felt like it was set ablaze at the simple contact. Clarke's entire body weight is on me as we're both laying on the floor. Her head hovering just above my chest, her legs somehow intertwined with mine, and my hands resting on her waist.

I raise my head to see her squeezing her eyes closed as she blushed. "I hate you," she murmured but made no movement to get up. I chuckle lightly at the sight and comment as I drop my head back against the floor.

"You can't help but fall on me, can you?" I say teasingly all the whole I was looking back up to her.

I didn't get a verbal response but I did see her blush much more than she had a couple of seconds ago. I chuckled once more before saying "Cute jersey, by the way, I completely forgot I owned that," I said just to tease her even more.

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