Chapter 5

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Clarke POV


I heard my name being called out in the distance but I'm still too confused to answer.

"Clarke, are you home?"

Raven. I instantly remembered how hurt and scared she was when she came to see me in the hospital. I quickly called after her because I had hurt her enough for the week.

"Hey Griffin, what ya doing?" she glanced at what I had in my hand and noticed what it was. She quickly threw herself onto my bed. I was too shocked to complain. I just kept staring at the foreign object in my hand. "Ooooooo is that a new phone Griffy?" she said as she made the motion to grab it.

"Raven," I said sternly, moving the phone away from her. She finally noticed the state I was in and stopped.

"Hey are you okay?" she said with a genuine concern look on her face. She reached out to touch my arm as comfort.

I wasn't able to respond in words so I lightly motioned my hand to the letter. She quickly picked it up being curious about what the situation was. She read the letter but acquired a confused look on her face.

"I'm confused... what happened Monday morning?" she said looking up at me for more information.

I quickly realized I forgot to tell Raven about the run-in I had. I gave her the quick version of the incident. She slowly pieced everything together.

"Oh..." she said after putting the last piece in its place and realizing what everything meant. "So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "That's what I've been trying to figure out for the past hour," I said while I kept staring at the brand new phone that sat in my hands.

I decided to turn the phone on again hoping it gave me a clue to what to do. Nevertheless, it didn't. Instead, I had a name and phone number looking up at me. The letters and numbers taunting me while I debated in my head on what to do. I guess Raven saw how conflicted I was so she interrupted my train of thought.

"I think you should contact them... I know you don't know them... but they did buy you a completely new phone. And they have your white vest, which I'm sure you want back" Raven was just stating what she knew I was thinking. But for some reason, it scared me.

I nodded. "You're right. The real question is should I text or call?" I look over at her desperately because I truly didn't know what to do.

"Text. Calling would make you seem desperate. And again... you don't really know each other." I kept staring at Raven after she had answered my question. It was times like these I truly appreciated Raven.

"Okay," I said showing some nervousness after pulling my eyes off of her.

"It's going to be okay. Worst-case scenario you find out she's a horrible person and you meeting her was a waste of your time. Best-case scenario... you fall in love with this mysterious person and end up marrying them. But whatever happens, I'll still be here. I'll always be here." She said as she reached to hold my hand.

I threw myself at her and hugged her tightly. "Thank you," I whispered in her ear. She knew how hard it was for me to open up. Ever since Finn.

"As much as I would love to see this through, I have to go." I pulled back from the embrace but didn't let go of her completely. I gave her a puzzled look.

"I met a person." She said while trying to pull away from the embrace. I raised my eyebrow at her waiting for information I probably wasn't gonna get. She's not the type of person to go on dates and settle down.

"Do I know this person?" I said as she quickly got off the bed trying to dodge as many questions possible.

Raven has literally become my sister. I absolutely love her and I just want her to be happy. I would do anything and everything for that girl even though she can sometimes press my buttons.

"Goodbye, Griffin!" Raven said as she walked out the door of my room. I shook my head and looked down at the phone in my hand once again.


Lexa POV
I was sitting in my office at my penthouse. I was trying to get everything planned for the ball when I saw my phone light up out of the corner of my eyes. I grabbed it thinking it was probably Anya for the 5,000 time asking something about the ball.


I closed my eyes, squeezing them in the process, not believing what I read. I opened them once more to reread the notification.


I stared at the notification to see that she had finally texted me. It was late at night so at this point, I wasn't expecting a response. Not to mention, it had completely slipped my mind. I somehow gathered myself and opened the notification.

Clarke: hi...

How could a simple greeting make me feel some type of way? I've never felt this way over a text message, not even with Costia. Much less from a stranger. What is the meaning of this feeling? I forced my fingers to act so it didn't seem like I was taking too long to respond.

Lexa: Hey

After I sent my response back, I waited for her response and tried getting back to work. What if she didn't respond? What if I scared her off? What if she doesn't want the new phone? What if she thinks I'm a stalker of some sort? All these thoughts bombarded my mind. Why did I care what she thought? I don't even know her.

I put my phone back on the desk, determined to go back to work. I started to work on finding a DJ. There was no way I could find a talented musician for next week. I figured I'd have to pull several strings just to throw this ball. I've had to use my name too many times today, more than I would wish for.

I knew I would have to when I first started off in the business world but I can't argue that it does come with its perks. The nickname Commander also comes in handy even though I despise it. Especially for situations I put myself in.

Not two minutes after getting back to work, my phone lit up. I scrambled to grab my phone knocking a couple of papers off my desk in the process. I quickly looked at the screen hoping it was the person I wanted it to be. It wasn't, of course, it was Anya. I felt sadness find its way inside me. I tossed my phone aside while trying to decipher the feeling I had deep in my gut.

I got out of my chair and walked out towards the kitchen. I planned on getting myself a cup of water as I was trying to hold back the accumulating tears. My hands found the countertop closest to me and I held on for dear life as I leaned my weight onto it. I let my head fall down and I squeezed my eyes closed, as I tried placing my 'Commander facade' on. It was completely useless without knowing what sparked this sadness within me and there was no stopping it now. Tears were now overflowing onto my cheeks as I slowly slid down onto the floor putting my head into my hands. I didn't care to wipe the tears away as I knew they would be replaced within a matter of seconds. I wrapped my arms around my legs trying to make myself as small as possible.

My emotions were a river that was overflowing and had been held in for far too long. The dam holding all the water back was now broken and there was no fixing it. I felt like I was dying in the river with the broken dam that turned into an ocean. I tried swimming to the top for air, but it was useless. Every time I made it close to the top, another emotion came crashing down and weighing me down. I tried swimming to the shore instead, but the waves pushed me back deeper into the ocean with it. So I stopped swimming. I let myself be overtaken by all the emotions and water. Even if it meant that I drowned. Even if it meant there would be no one to save me.

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