Chapter 6

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Clarke POV
Lexa: Hey

I contemplated what to say next. I don't know if I should start small talk or get straight to the point. I wish Raven was here. She always knows what to say. I looked over to where she was sitting before she left. Maybe I should text her... I tried typing a couple of different phrases but ended up deleting them all. I don't know why it mattered what I said.

Clarke: thank you for the new phone, although i could've purchased it myself...

I didn't get a response. Last time I got a response within the minute. Did I say something wrong? Does she not want to talk to me? Did she realize she made a mistake? These thoughts invaded my mind like a plague. I waited a couple of minutes, hopeful for a response, but when there wasn't one I decided to go to bed. Tomorrow was the weekend and I didn't have anything planned. I eventually drifted off to sleep with the mysterious girl named Lexa on my mind.


Lexa POV
I woke up to an empty bed and with an aching feeling in my heart. I forced myself to get up and get the day started but instantly regretted it. I hopped in the shower hopeful that it would wash away all my thoughts. Instead, it gave me more to think about.

I know last night wasn't about Clarke. The problem was rooted deeper than that, but I still didn't know where it originated from.
I decided to evade all those thoughts away by planning a three-day getaway trip. I've been long due for one and now seems like the perfect time to do so. I booked my plane ticket and started packing my things as I didn't have much time to spare. I went in search of my phone and realized how many messages I had.

15 messages from Anya, 1 message from Clarke, and three from an investor that wanted the deal done almost as much as Anya. I decided not to open them as I would need to do something while on the plane.

I grabbed my luggage and threw it in my Ford Fusion. I didn't want to risk leaving my Corvette there for someone to trash. Been there done that and I've learned from my mistakes. Sometimes it was better to leave a low key car instead of a flashy one.


I finally closed my laptop along with my eyes in the process. There was an aching in my heart that wasn't going away no matter how hard I tried to make it. I let my head rest against the seat, it was a long flight and I have to get my emotions under control.

After an hour of restless time thinking, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to check my notifications. Luckily the plane had wifi, which I was grateful for. I had new emails from the group of investors wanting last-minute details, a handful of messages and missed calls from Anya, and another message from Clarke.

I sighed and once more I let my head fall onto the headrest. The aching feeling in my heart was now becoming stronger and tougher to ignore. I squeezed my eyes shut and pressed my hand firmly over the area.

"Would you like some champagne?" the flight attendant said snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and reached out to get the drink from her. Her hand brushed mine slightly, partially on purpose. I paid no attention to it and took a sip.

After a while, sleep wasn't even attempting to find me. Thoughts were still rushing into my head but I tried to pay no attention to it. But how could I not? What did all of this mean? The emotional outburst? The aching chest pain? Does it mean I'm broken?

Am I broken?

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