Chapter 9

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Clarke POV
I felt nervous about the ball. It wasn't the fact that I was going with a complete stranger. I was nervous at the idea I was going to a ball. I haven't been to a ball in a very long time. I knew what to expect according to what Lexa has told me and past experience. But I didn't feel like I belonged in a ball. I wasn't exclusive enough or pretty enough to attend one.

I luckily had Raven and Octavia at my side helping me get ready. Octavia was another best friend of mine. She has been with me for as long as I can remember. All I know is that we hit it off and we've been inseparable since. She's been there with and for me as much as Raven has, if not even more. We're all good friends and love each other... for the most part.

"Griffy get out of your thoughts and talk to us," Raven said as she fiddled with my dress.

"Raven, get as far away from my dress as you can... I don't need you somehow catching it on fire or blowing it up." I said as Octavia laughed at my smart but realistic remark. Raven instantly pouted and let go of the dress without complaining.

"So Clarke, what's the meaning of this ball?" Octavia asked curiously while also looking in my direction for some sort of answer.

"The meaning of the ball?" I said with a confused look on my face. "There is no meaning. She's a busy person, so am I. This was the only possible time for us to meet up. We're simply spending the evening together and at the end of the night, I'll get my vest. Then we'll go our separate ways. End of story." I said while I did some final touches on my makeup.

"... You'll be getting more than your vest tonight..." Raven mumbled underneath her breathe not quietly enough.

"I assure you I won't be getting anything more than my vest tonight Raven," I said not looking up to look at the Hispanic girl. She blushed lightly not expecting to be heard by me. Octavia let out a small laugh as she nudged Raven for getting caught.

After finishing my makeup and conversing with the girls, it was time for me to put on the dress. I went into the bathroom and since that was where the dress was located. After putting it on, I went to the girls for approval.

Raven's mouth completely dropped open while her eyes widened. Octavia did the same but eventually found her words saying, "You look absolutely stunning Clarke."

"If Lexa doesn't take you home tonight after the ball, then I'll take you home myself," Raven said jokingly. A small smile appeared on my face after getting approval from my best friends.

I was looking at myself in the mirror when I heard my phone go off. I walked towards it knowing it was probably Lexa announcing that she was on the way.

Lexa: Good evening Clarke, I would like for you to know that I am on the way. See you soon...

As I read the message, a small smile formed on my face. I knew that the girls were going to point it out but I didn't care at the moment. I quickly responded so she knew I was ready

Clarke: evening lexa, thank you for the heads up and i'm ready for whenever you get here. can't wait to see you...

There was no denying that there had been a little flirting here and there between the two of us but nothing too out of hand. Some of her comments sent unexplainable feelings throughout my body. I still haven't been able to interpret what they meant but I don't mind them at all.

I glanced up to see two eager girls staring at me for an explanation. The sight of them staring at me like a puppy begging for attention allowed me to let loose a small laugh. I shook my head not saying anything regarding the message or the smile.

I saw a frown creeping upon the girl's faces. I patiently waited for them to press for more information. As I did, I started moving towards my heels for the event.

"So you're really not going to tell us anything? Not even who that message is from and why it made you smile?" Octavia said sounding a little disappointed. I internally smiled for being correct about the group.

"There is nothing to tell. It's just Lexa letting me know she's on her way." I said as innocently as possible. I had to restrain myself from allowing another smile form across my face.

"It's okay Griffin, you don't have to tell us anything right now, but you will later. We will get every single detail out of you and I hope you're ready for it. I just suggest that you tell us voluntarily." Raven said. I honestly don't know if she was joking or being completely serious. It seemed like a combination of the two.

I was luckily saved by the doorbell. I overheard Octavia and Raven ordering a pizza so I figured it was the delivery guy. I quickly made my way downstairs. I opened the door as I turned to look for my wallet which I thought was behind me.

"Hey... just give me a sec to find my wallet," I said without really looking back at the door.

After a couple of moments, I found my wallet and quickly took out a twenty-dollar bill that would cover the pizza.

"Here you go, sorry about that... it was one pizza right?" I said as I turned around fiddling with the money. I felt warm gentle hands reject the money.

"Clarke," I heard a familiar voice although I couldn't pinpoint from where. It wasn't loud or affirmative but rather soft and gentle. I finally looked up to find such a stunning view which made my jaw slightly open.

"I'm... I-... I thought you were um... sorry... uh..." I said barely getting the words out. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. How... beautiful... she looked in that dress.

Lexa was wearing a navy blue dress that made her look absolutely stunning and sexy. It was a spaghetti strap dress that showed part of her cleavage and gave a sneak peek of her abdomen. The dress is short, hovering slightly over her knee, with a slit that stops just above her mid-thigh. The dress had a slit on her right leg which exposed her well-toned and tanned legs. How could a piece of fabric make a body like that shine? She paired it with black heels and minimal makeup. She makes it look so effortless and stunning. It's honestly a sight worth drooling over.

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