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Caroline POV

Why!! Why did I have to find him now?I am not ready for all of this attraction and possessiveness toward another begin.

The sound of his foot steps hot on my heals make me advance faster to the exit of the school.As I am about to grab the handle of the door a warm and soft hand grab me by my hand and spin me around.

His black eyes glue on my brown ones and I find myself having difficulty breathing .His finger tips sends a rush of electricity through my veins and my Lycan ,Sky, could not help but purr in happinest and delight.

His power radiates off him,and I can tell he is no ordinary Lycan,but a high ranked lycan.I notice two other lycans standing behind him with a emotionless expression on their faces like my mate.

Realizing that his hand is still on mine I try to quickly retrive it,but my body mind and soul freeze the moment he roughly connects our lips.My breath gets caught in my throat as I try my best not to move because I am apprehensive of what will be the out come.

I have heard that when a lycan is angry it can kill as much as one hundred persons in the blink of an eye.And trust me getting this lycan angry and the other two behined him is not a good thing.

Shortly after he remove his lips from mine."What is your name?".He ask.

"Caroline".I repy without thinking,I have heard that it is hard for a supernatual begin to hurt their mate but being disrespectful to one now is a risk I am not willing to take.

A smirk makes it way on his face ,for what I have no clue."Thats a lovely name for a lovely girl like yourself ".

"Well thank you very much......."

"It's Nath...I mean Liam".

"Liam".His name roll off my tongue perfectly.

"I'm sorry but I have to go attend to something right now".I try my best to get away from him,retriving my hand.

Taking a step backwards he says"You do realize that your my erasthais and I am not letting you out of my sight,right".

Huh!!!I hate it when mate gets so possessive."Huh...That's not needed I can take care of myself".

"That wasn't a choice,my love".

"I believe we have the same class now, correct?".He ask.

"Nope I just went to vist a friend".I deny having the same class with him to stay away from him.

"Why are you lying to me?You're a bad lier, my love"He says.

"No reason....I think I'll just go and use the bathroom,give me a sec".I say walking past him and his friends and into the bathroom.

Closing the door behind me I let out a huge amount of air that I was holding in my lungs.Tears comes to my eyes as I remember my present situation.My pack is a small pack on the eastern part of Crystal Cove.It is not know by many people,some thinks it has no meaning and think least of it but as for me it means the world to me.

Strong packs always come as a unit and kill my friends and family members mercilessly.I am tired of always starting over life and rebuilding what we have builded.

It is time for us to fight back,so I have made an agreement with the Sinners pack to get married to their next heir,Taylor one of the strongest werewolf warrior in today's time.This way with the help of Taylors pack, my pack mite have a chance of surviving.

I never wanted to meet my mate atleast not now.I could have always meet him after been marked and mated by Taylor,but now finding out that he is a high ranked lycan and not a wolf has me thinking.

My Possessive Lycan PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now