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Nathaneil POV

It has been two days since the incident with Caroline.Ever since then she has not woken up.I do not know what had happened to her,What caused her body to produce that bright and excessive amount to light.

But I do know for a fact that something is wrong and she is the centre of it all.I have placed the box that her mother gave her before she passed away in one of my private safe in my chambers.

I have not looked in it as yet because who am I to look at her personal and private life,I will wait until she ask for it then hand it to her.

After she fainted Romario,Sashanay and I searched the entire pack and even the forests nearby.From the looks of it she is the only member of her pack that has a beating heart connected to their body.

After the events I ensured that all the members of the Blood Moon pack got a proper funeral,even her mother.I have ordered my servants to repair the damages at the pack and trust me it will take days to be fully repaired.

I have got everything under control,but I just can not forget the few words that her mother said before he last breath".....You'll not go with him no matter what".Was she reffering to me....or was it someone else.

In this case I am really glad that she is dead,because trust me if she did not approve of me bonding and claiming whats mine ,I would have to remove her head from it's location.

Then my mate would have hated me for life and this is something I can not cope with for a life time."So what are you going to do now"Sashanay ask.

"I've got no clue......"I reply looking at Romario,"What now?".

"I don't know".He says.

Before she fainted she said something about killing someone,so whatever is to come is not good.My guess is that the moment she recovers she will want someone's blood on her hands.

"We have to prepare our men,I guess we will soon be going to war".They nod in reply.

Caroline POV

What......what is going in on?My head feels like a train has just ran over it.I groan in pain as I try to block the  bright light coming through the window.

A rush of pain explode throughout my entire body the moment I try to sit up"Aww.....Oh my God".

I immediately lie down and gasp in pain.Flashes of the previous activities
replay in my mind.A single,cold tear rolls down my cheek,I try not to remember but I can not forget.

I try my best to maintain the cry threatening to come out,and my body tremble in pain.How?.....I did everything he asked of me ,every single thing.

I slept with him......well we did not have sex...but the point is I still slept with him,I agreed to give him my hand in marriage eventhough he has a mate and I go out with him when I do not want to.

I did everything he asked of me and in return I get this.He promised to help protect my pack from harm........but he is the one who turned out to be that danger towards  my pack and I.

I tried,I really did.I was willing to give away my happiness,my mate and my life just for the sake of my pack but he betrayed me.

I knew I should not have stayed here because I was afraid of the outcome.......this outcome.I was afraid of my worst nightmare becoming a reality but it turns out it did become my reality.

It is all my fault,if I did not agree to stay here this would not have happen.I was having fun while my family was in danger.

I will never forgive myself for what happened and I know that revenge will not bring them back but I am positive it sure as hell do feel good to get revenge.

My Possessive Lycan PrinceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang