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Caroline POV

I stand paiently and quite infront of the glass Window in Nathaneil's chamber.They have been summoned to the main court of Crystal Cove.Luckly, Sashanay and I were not invited.

Last night after learning the truth I cried in Nathaneil's arms until I fell asleep.So here I am waiting for them to leave so I can visit the address from last night.

I would have brought Sashanay with me but she is not a morning person,if I wake her up she will have my head.So I decided to go alone without anyone's knowledge.

Five SUV's speed out throught the gates of the palace.On que I run out of the Chamber,down the long lastimg stairs and through the front double doors of the palace.

"I need to barrow one of these SUV's".I say to a man standing beside two SUV's in a black suit.

"You're not sup......"

"I know,I know but it is ergent"I cut him off.

I grab the keys out of his hand"Which car is it?".

"The front one,your majesty".He reply.

"The prince said that You're not to go through  the palace gates".He argue.

I ignore him and start the car engine and speed out through the palace gates towards my destination..


Thrity-five minutes here I am standing infront a small old cottage in the middle of no where.The place looks deserted,and longs for a make over.

It is a nice house still,but it needs to be painted and the yard to be cleaned.I am feeling a little nervous because I know that whotoever is behind that door has bad news for me,so I have to brace myself for whats to come.

When I get back I know Nathaneil will be really mad.He told me not to leave the palace or to come here without him.Good thing he does not know the address,if he did he would be here anytime now.

Pushung my jumbled thoughts to the back of my head I approch the cottage.I knock on the door,waiting quitely for it to open.

I hear stumbling inside and I am tempted to go back to the palace into Nathaneil's arms but I stay still.The door opens reveling a woman who looks like she is in her 30's.But I know better than to believe that.

She looks at me shock......just the way Queen Tamara did when she first laid her eyes on me.She looks old but still beautiful that is the beauty of been a lycan."Lydia..Oh my God".She whispers.

Lydia? Who is this Lydia person?

She takes my hand and pull me inside closing the door behind her.I look at her with a questionable look plastered on my face.

Inside looks much better and orderly than outside.I must say it is small,but warm and confortable.

She looks at me in aww,What is wrong with her? I am a stranger and she is looking at me as if she has seen me before."Huh...My name is.....".

"I know who you are"She cuts me off. "I see the time has finally come for this game to end.....Would you like something to drink?".

"No,Thank you".I can not trust her what if she poison me?

Her behaviour was unexpected."Shantel has finally infromed you about our little secret,take a seat and lets get started".

"She's dead".I say taking a seat on the small sofa.

"I figured."She reply casually.

She take a seat in front of me with a tea cup filled with coffee that she had taken from the kitchen.

My Possessive Lycan PrinceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz