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Caroline POV

I groan aloud due to them everlasting headache I am experiencing.Huh!!! It hurts so much. My eyes slowly blink repeatedly,trying to adopt to the bright environment.

My eyes scan the surroundings and stop on the one person I know would be here, waiting for me. His pitch black eyes watch me like a hawk,his face not giving away a single expression.

He advance towards me, eventhough I can not know what he is thinking I know that he is upset, because he looks dangerous."What....the absolute wrong with you?".His voice roars through my head.

Why is he using the mind link? so damm loud..And what did I do?I quickly look down on the tile floor,I can not find the courage to look in his eyes.I know he told me to wait because he did not want any harm to come to me,but I can not just sit around doing nothing when I need answers.

"Do you have a grudge against me or something??".What no I do not. I shake my head no.

"Then why do you always do shit to get yourself hurt".His voice send chills down my spine even my changing wolf cowers to the back of my mind.

What do I say?? Do I shut the hell up or say something?? "I'm sorry..".I choked out meeting his eyes.

"Sorry...Oh my God...Sorry won't cut it. You know what you are going to drop this little adventure you have going on and we are going to get married,I don't care who doesn't like it or not it could be even you I don't care.If I hear or find out that you have been snooping again then you won't like it".He snap aloud. What??

"Who do you think you are?Huh!! My mother".I deadpin.

His eyes widen by my sudden outburst...did I just say that aloud?"Stop been so stubborn, can't your see that you're going to get yourself killed...Don't disobey my orders or else...".

"Or else what,Mr.Big bad kitty".I mock.

The breath almost got knocked out of my lungs when all of a sudden he is pinning me to the bed"Stop it....this ain't a game Caroline...Just please let it be...let her be it isn't worth your life my love".He says way clamer then I had expected.

Let it go!! Let go my fuck she took everything thing from me,"I....I can't".

He eyes become even more darker and dangerous but I ain't scared of him...he can not hurt me."Just let me find out that you are still snooping...please do then you'll see,we are going to do it the hard way.Get the fuck up we are going to school".With that he walk out the room.

That mutt he did not even ask if I was okay. School? I had totally forgotten about that next hell hole. I thought we were done with that shit we do not need to go to school so why does she want to out??

He can not be so bored of living in a castle....I mite be wrong because I have been here for sometime now and I am already tired of this place.Hmmm.. What was that..what happened to me in Tamara's room yesterday? Was it a dream,vision or some other shit? I do not know what it was,but it sure as hell felt real.

Nathaniel..I feel his pain,I truly do but I need answers and I can not back out now. I am prepared for whatever he want to do to me but I can not stop now, I need to stop Tamara before it's too late..My body feels refresh and alive,I thought I was going to die last night.Thank God.


Twenty minutes later I decend the stair case and enter the kitchen. I stop dead in my track when a big warm arm embrace me into a bone crushing hug."I'm so happy your alive.." Sashanay beams in excitement.

A big smile appear on my face "Im glad I'm alive too".I laugh,this girl always make my day.

She release me and I take a seat at the counter."How are you feeling?". Romario ask.

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