Legion Minus One

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Hey, everyone!! I'm baaack! :D

I know I said we were done, but you guys were really excited for more, and I had an idea that I think you guys are gonna like, so buckle up. We're here for one more crazy ride. :)

And here's the first chapter! I hope you guys like it!

{Author's POV}

     Two years, since the restoration of Humanity. They'd rebuilt cities and towns, reunited separated family members, buried their dead and cured their injured. They'd rested and recuperated. They'd had their ups and downs, but they were healed.

     But nothing could heal the pain that day brought with it. Nothing could move the dark clouds settling in over their heads.

     Especially Andy's.

     Nobody had any idea what happened to him. He disappeared in the dead of night, no letter, no word. Nothing. They asked around, asked the small self-established militia that guarded the town they had been occupying at the time if they had seen him in the night. Most of them were sleeping, but the night-shift people said no one had seen him.

     No one had heard from the Deviant in 6 months. 

     The four of them had a meeting, trying to come up with an idea of what to do next. Obviously, Jinxx had searched for him with his magic. For some reason, he was completely undetectable. Andy searched and searched in his mind, day and night, for any clue, any hint to where he was. He hadn't found anything. He was practically blind. He felt like something was there, like something big was happening, but he couldn't see anything. He'd never felt so lost and in the dark.

    He barely ever slept anymore. He hardly ate. None of them did, but the others essentially had to watch as Andy just wasted away. He took it the hardest, to no surprise from the others. They mostly tried to be there, one of them always staying in his room with him at night until he fell asleep, taking shifts listening in in case of any nightmares or visions-it was hard to distinguish which was which anymore-making sure he ate as much as they could convince him to. It wasn't easy, though. It would never be easy.

    Not until Ash came back.

    On those few rare nights when Andy could convince the others to give him some space, he could usually be found in the main room of the factory. They had returned to that god-forsaken hovel with hopes that if Ashley, for whatever reason, had decided to run away, he would return there. They were wrong, but it gave them a strange, homey feeling to be back. Besides, it gave them access to Jinxx's portal. He had made a new one in the house they stayed in back in what became the "new" Cincinnati, but it wasn't as strong as the other one. He explained it was because the one in the factory was made on a metal wall, which was a better magic conductor than wood. So, the one in the house would fade every few weeks, about two weeks if they used it more than often, so Jinxx had to recreate it pretty constantly. It was nice to have a portal he didn't constantly have to remake.

    He would go to that room, hold Ashley's bass, and just sing. Anything that came to mind, he just sang quietly to himself. Ashley had never sang often, but he loved his singing voice, and he missed it. He missed everything-Ash's hugs, his smile, his laugh, his guitar playing, his singing. He missed it all.

    "Why'd you have to go, Ash? We don't even know if you just left. You just...vanished. Where are you? I know you wouldn't just leave us, but that's what it's starting to feel like. Why would you leave me, though? Without even a goodbye?"

    He looked up at the sky, his eyes filled with tears. He didn't think he had any left after all the crying he'd been doing, but there they were.

    "I love you, Ash. Please, just come back to us."

Well, there it is! What happened to Ashley?? Did he leave? Did someone take him?

I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out. :)

Anyways, it's good to be back in this series, even if it is only for one last run. But, I plan on making this one absolutely amazing. You guys are in for something special, and exciting.

As always, if you liked the chapter, a vote/comment means a lot. You guys know I love interacting with you!

Thank you for reading, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Goodnight/Morning/Afternoon XD :) <3

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