chapter 1

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My name is steven i don't have a last name or at least not permanently

You see i have been in foster care well since i was born

Im not very popular with parents due to my weird look i have light blue fluffy long hair and a weird blue pyramid cristal thing growing on my chest that doctors can't explain and i cry very easily

The longest I've lasted with a family is a year and they sent me back because i wasn't what they wanted

After fourteen years of this i just gave up hope on ever getting adopted

That is until she came

I was watching when she walked in she was tall and thin like a ballerina but she had blue hair and skin with a crystal in the same place as mine

I looked at her confused along with many of the other kids as she was talking to one of the caretakers

I looked closer and saw she had hair covering her eyes but walked around fine

She seemed upset but she looked towards me and gasped before quickly walking towards me

She stopped right in front of me before picking me up "um hello" i say and she hugs me

"i finally found you" she says

"do i know you" i ask

"no" she says before carrying me out of the building

"wait there are papers you have to sign" the caretaker says but she just keeps walking

I don't really know what to do so i just stay there as she carries me away

After awhile she sets me down in a field and just stands there "um are you adopting me" i ask and she looks at me confused

"you can talk right" i ask

"indeed i can" she says

"what's your name" i ask

"i am pearl" she says

"i am steven" i say

"i am sorry steven i did not mean to loose you" she says

"loose me?" i ask

"when you were born" she says

"are you my... Mother" i ask

"no no you're mother is much better than i" she says

"you knew her" i ask

"yes she told me to look after you and i failed" she says and i try to comprehend any of this

"we will talk more later" she says grabbing my hand and she keeps leading me until we reach a weird platform thing

"please close your eyes" she says and i do

I hear a weird ringing noise and open my eyes finding myself in some building "what how did we get here" i ask

"do not worry about it" she says

"um alright" i say and she sits down on a boulder

"not to be rude but this place doesn't seem safe" i say

"not safe?" she asks

"well it seems to be falling apart and im not seeing any sort of food or anything" i say before realizing im being to nitpicky

"im sorry i forgot about all that would you come with me to gather all of the needed materials" she asks

"ok" i say very confused about this stranger

We appear somewhere else again and she walks me into a store without saying anything

"so what do we need" she asks

"well maybe some basic kitchen things" i say and she looks at me confused

"here how about i just pick them out" i say and she nods

We then take a few hours picking out everything but she doesn't buy any of it

We then go to get food but when i get there all the food is gone and pearl is just looking at me confused

"oh i guess they ran out somehow" i say

"it will be alright" she says

"um ok so are we going back now" i ask

"how about we get something to eat" she says with a smile

"oh yeah" i say

We walk to a restaurant and get some burgers although she doesn't seem to be eating

"are you not hungry" i ask

"oh sorry" she says taking a fry and eating it before looking surprised and eating more

"heh you look like you've never eaten before" i say

"i um just didn't realize it would be as good as it is" she says

"heh yeah i haven't had burgers for years the caretakers usually tried making us eat healthy" i say and she seems to deflate

"im sorry it was her final order for me to look after you and i failed her immediately" she says

"order? Failed who?" i ask

"your mother" she says

"oh yeah you did say you knew her" i say

"i was her closest and most trusted...friend she trusted me with a lot and i don't think im doing very well" she says

"hey pearl what matters is your trying and im glad you're here now" i say and she moves her hair revealing tears in her eyes

"thank you steven i will do my best so please tell me if you need anything" she says

"alright i will" i say and we smile before going back to eating

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