chapter 14

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Connie began training with me and has been picking it up fast pearl can be ruthless but occasionally rose will help and she's honestly worse but says nice things while doing it

Lapis will sometimes watch to be an unenthusiastic cheerleader and laugh when one of the gems fails and pearl will do the same usually ending up distracted quickly

One morning we're both on the floor tired and lapis walks over handing us water bottles "that was a very good effort today"

"thank you lapis" we both say

"ready to go back home" she asks

"do we have to move" i ask

"guess not" she says picking us both up

"thank you lapis" connie says

"no prob bob" lapis says

"its connie" she says and we both start laughing

"it was one time" lapis says

"and it was hilarious" connie says

"i can and will throw both of you into space" lapis says and we giggle

We get on the warp and connies phone rings "hello" she asks before looking worried

"steven my mom wants to talk to your mom" she whispers

"but the warp will mess with the signal" i say

"i got this" lapis says grabbing the phone

"yeah hello...oh the kids are right here... Yes they are very tired they have been playing all day... Oh yes of course they have been fed and watered... Oh yeah that sounds wonderful... Of course i look forward to it" she then hands the phone back to connie

"there we go" she says

"uh what did you talk about" i ask

"we are having a nice dinner to meet connies parents" lapis says

"what!?" connie asks

"is there a problem" lapis asks

"well i kinda told them you had a nuclear family" she says

"what's that" i ask

"y'know like two parent's and kids" she says

"oh i have an easy fix for that" lapis says and we warp home

"hey pearl" she calls out

"yeah?" pearl asks

"we're married now" lapis says

"...alright" pearl says

"there two parents and a child" lapis says smiling

"so what's happening" pearl asks

"connies parents want to meet my parents but connie said i have two so lapis is going to pretend to be my other mom" i say

"and what about me" she asks

"what do you mean what about you" i ask

"well what am i going to do" she asks

"pearl he sees you as his mother" lapis says to her

"oh" pearl says

"so when is this happening" connie asks

"tommorow night" lapis says

"oh shoot i need to go home then" connie says

"I'll take you" lapis says

"thanks" connie says and they warp away quickly

"guess tommorow is going to be stressful right pearl" i ask

I turn to her and see she's crying "woah are you ok" i ask and she nods

"yes im fine you should get to sleep it's a big day tomorrow" she says

"um alright goodnight pearl i love you" i say and she brings me into a big hug

"i love you to steven" she says and i walk off to my room very confused

Im not able to sleep so i go to get a drink and i hear the warp "hey pearl how you holdin up" lapis asks

"im doing good didn't really expect that" pearl says

"but like how i mean it's pretty obvious your his mother" lapis says

"i know it is but hearing it still feels nice" pearl says

"you truly are easy to please pearly" lapis says sarcastically and pearl laughs

"i swear i can't tell if i hate you or love you" pearl says

"aw you don wuv me" lapis asks and there's more laughing

Knowing everything is good i go back and lay down drifting into sleep

Blue how long will this take you

I shoot awake and see lapis looking at me with mild concern "you alright" she asks

"uh i think so why" i ask

"you were crying in your sleep but with your mother being who she is i guess that fits" lapis says

"wait hold up what does that mean" i ask

"oh blue diamond made everyone around her cry when she did it was honestly really annoying" lapis says

"i wonder if i could do that" i ask

"probably but if you do get a hold on it first I've cried enough" she says

"that's terribly sad" i say and she backs out of the room shooting finger guns at me

"wait why was she in my room" i ask

I get ready and walk to the kitchen seeing the two going through cards "what's on those" i ask

"oh we're making sure we don't blow the meeting with connies parents so we're getting our facts straight" pearl says

"you don't have to put in that much work" i say

"we know connie is important to you we aren't gonna ruin that for you" pearl says

"we gochu" lapis says

"i could not have asked for better alien parental figures" i say

"nor we could have asked for a better child figure" lapis says

"why do all conversations devolve into this" pearl asks

"it's a coping mechanism" lapis says

"well maybe we shouldn't say things like that in front of connies parents" pearl says

"yeah that's probably for the best"

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