chapter 3

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Ever since pearl told me everything she has really opened up she'll tell me about gem stuff like how to warp and what gems are but she never tells me about gem history

I would like to know more but i know it's hard for her to talk about and im sure if she needed to tell me something she would

She's also become more free spirited going out sometimes to enjoy some "human activities" as she puts it

Today she is taking me to a concert of a musician she likes so i dress up as nice as i can and we head out

"this will be fun don't you think steven" she asks

"it should be but who is this guy" i ask

"his name is mister universe he's a rockstar" she says

"I've never heard of him" i say

"he's not very popular" she says

"then you can get to say you discovered him" i say and she smiles

"but silly who would i tell" she asks

"i don't know maybe you have a bunch of cool friends" i say

"heh maybe one day but for now lets go to a concert" she says picking me up

"yeah!" I say and we warp to a beach town at night

"woah this place is so pretty" i say

"it is a nice place" she says

"so where is the concert" i ask

"it is on the beach" she says

"oh fancy" i say

"actually i believe it comes from a lack of a better option" she says

"oh" i say and we make our way to the beach finding a guy singing his heart out to an empty crowd

"oh no we're late" she says

"well we're here now" i say and we start dancing

After about an hour he stops singing and notices us "oh wow there are actually people here" he says to himself before realizing he's talking into a mic

"woooh that was great!" i yell and he smiles

"thank you and here I'll play you one more" he says and pearl smiles at me

We begin dancing together as he plays his guitar

He finishes playing and we look at him seeing he is shocked "is something the matter" a voice, my voice?, our voice?? says

I look at ourself and we are taller with light blue skin and what seems to be long hair "do you have a mirror" i ask mr universe who stays there for a second before rushing off

"yeah i got this" he says handing me? Us? A hand mirror

I look at myself and see i have four eyes with long white hair and am wearing a crop top and sweats "what is this" i ask

"that's what i would like to know are you two gems?" he asks

"how do you kno-"

"GREG! GET AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW" a voice says and we turn seeing a big woman with pink hair coming towards us

"time to go" i say before running

I look back and see shes chasing us rather fast "get back here"

We don't really know where we're running but heading towards the other side of a large hill

We get there and see a large temple with a warp pad in it and speed over "garnet!" the woman yells and a familiar looking person jumps in front of us

I slide underneath her and she grabs my arm "not today"

"let go of me" i say kicking off of her landing on the warp pad

"bye!" i say before warping away

We get home and pop back into ourselves "what just happened" i ask

"oh no oh no oh no oh no" pearl says while pacing back and forth

"pearl what was that who were they who were we" i ask

"steven those were gems the absolute worst of the worst gems and i-i don't know who we were I've only seen that once" she says clearly panicking

"what are we going to do now" i ask

"we need to move far away from any warp pads they'll find us they'll shatter us" she says

"where will we go" i ask

"i don't know but steven i need to go look and i need you to stay here and hide" she says

"why can't i go with you" i ask

"because if they find me it's just a pearl getting shattered we can't i can't let you be hurt" she says

"you're so much more than a pearl you should worry about yourself" i say

"I'll do that when i don't have to worry about you so please just do what i say!" she yells

"alright i will" i say

"thank you" she says before kissing my forehead and leaving

After about a minute of silence i begin to absolutely freak out "oh my stars we became a new person how does that even work?! And how did we know to run from them who were they why was the square one so familiar? What just happened!"

The hour or two goes like this until the warp pad rings "you're he-"

I see four gems standing with weapons out looking angrily confused at me "there's more of them" someone that looks like pearls twin says

"told ya it was a fusion" the square one says

Then i start screaming followed by running away as fast as i can

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