chapter 17

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After making sure every conceivable escape is closed off i head to my room

I grab the bubble and pop it the gem falling to the floor

I get ready to defend myself as she begins floating

She forms and is... tiny?

She looks around angry before seeing me "you clod! Ill shatter you" she says holding up her hand to me

"where are my limb enhancers!?" she yells

"they fell off the edge... completely by accident" i say

"and you! What are you" she asks

"im a steven" i say

"no you're not you're a gem don't think you can fool me you clod" she says

"well i won't tell you anything if you're gonna keep being mean" i say folding my arms

"you poofed me" she says

"you shot me" i say

"and i would do it again" she says walking up to me

"are you from homeworld" i ask

"of course i am every gem is from homeworld" she says

"im not" i say and she pokes me

"of course your not you're clearly defective and off color you should have been shattered on sight" she says

"they can't shatter me pearl and lapis wouldn't let them" i say

"there is a pearl and lapis here with you what is this band of traitors" she asks

"hey the crystal gems are the traitors we just want to live" i say

"live? That's not what gems are for your pearl is meant to serve your lapis is meant to terraform planets and you aren't even supposed to exist" she says

"well that's stupid! We should be able to do whatever we want pearl is able to be in charge lapis can be free and i can exist" i say and she backs up

"even you can do whatever you want your on earth and if you start being nice im sure we could be friends" i say and she slaps me


"you think i want to be like you defective and without purpose no i am a peridot i am built to work on machines and do it well" she says smacking me more

"and i will not let you keep me here" she says running out of the room

I get up and follow after seeing her desperately running around "you're not going to get out i made sure" i say

"you clod!" she says

"look how about we just sit down and talk" i say and she growls at me

"fine you traitorous mega clod" she mumbles walking to the couch and throwing all the cushions off

"what are you doing" i ask and she makes a fort for herself in the corner

"now speak" she says

"ok so peridot that is your name right" i ask and she nods

"my name is steven" i say

"and what kind of gem are you" she asks

"well i don't know if you'll believe me" i say

"just say it clod!" she yells


There's a pause and she laughs "you think you could ever measure up to blue diamond don't even desecrate her memory like that" she says

"im not lying" i say

"oh yeah then why do you look like that" she asks

"she had a child with a human and made me" i say

"we all know blue diamond was shattered by rose quartz" she says

"i thought that was pink diamond" i say

"it was both! She shattered pink and when blue fought rose she showed her mercy and that monster immediately took her kindness and shattered her" she says

"but that's not true I've met rose and she had no idea blue diamond was on earth" i say

"you've met rose quartz" she asks terrified

"yeah she's not that bad" i say

"not that bad! Im trapped in a room with an insane gem who thinks they are blue diamond on the same planet as rose quartz this is the worst thing to ever happen" she says

"blue diamond is my mom!" i say

"what is a mom?!" she asks

"the person who gave birth to you" i say

"gems are made in kindergartens they do not reproduce sexually" she says

"maybe not but she did and yes i may be a bad mistake who isn't supposed to exist but here i am with the people i love in the place i love and i am hoping you could grow to love them to" i say noticing im crying

I look up and see tears streaming down her face "what" she asks

I wipe my eyes and walk over seeing she's hidden deeper within the fort

I poke my head in and see she's curled into a ball mumbling to herself

"hey are you ok" i ask

"it's her power i can't believe it" she says

"what are you talking about" i ask

"you really are blue diamond" she says

"well im her son" i say

"whatever you say my diamond" she says making a diamond sign with her hand

"no! I refuse to be served" i say smacking her hands

"im sorry my diamond" she says

"im not a diamond im her son i am half human" i say

"but why" she asks

"what do you mean why" i ask

"what is your purpose if blue diamond abandoned homeworld to make you there must be a reason" she says

"what if i wasn't made for a reason" i say and she laughs

"don't be ridiculous blue diamond was the devine clarity she didn't do things without reason" she says

"i don't know from what I've heard mom got rather carefree after coming to earth" i say

"of course she did this planet is a curse i was doomed the moment i was told to come here" she says collapsing on the floor

"why were you sent to earth?" i ask

"to check on the cluster obviously!" she says

"what's the cluster?" i ask

"the giant cluster of gem shards set to destroy the earth when it forms" she says


blue stevenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ