chapter 4

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They start chasing me after i ran and i don't make it very far as i am wrapped in rope

"where ya goin" a purple gem asks and i am surrounded

"please don't kill me" i say curling up

"what?! we're not going to kill you" the big pink one says

"y-you're not?" i ask

"no of course not, amethyst let her go please" she says and the rope disappears

"rose you're scaring her" the square one says and i look between the four

"this is strange though what kind of gem even is this" the pearl lookalike says

"im steven" i say

"I've never met a gem named steven" rose says

"im only half gem or at least that's what she said" i say

"who is she?" rose asks

"my a...friend" i say

"the one you fused with" the square one asks and i nod

"why are you so tense dear" rose asks

"you guys are gems" i say

"and so are you" the not pearl says

"yes but i was told gems are evil people and that you're the worst" i say

"not all gems are bad" rose says

"sorry but i believe my friend more than shatterers" i say

"shatterers?!" rose asks

"that's what i was told" i say

"do you just believe everything your told" the purple one asks

"i believe it when people who don't try and kill us say it" i say

"i thought you were a homeworld gem im sorry" rose says

"we were just trying to enjoy the concert" i say

"look uh steven? We are sorry we don't want to hurt you we don't want to hurt your friend we want to get to know the both of you" rose says

"how can i know i can trust you" i say

"hmm that's a good question what can we do to prove ourselves" she says seeming to think to herself

"rose you're not helping your case" the square one says

"well how do you show your trustworthy to a stranger" rose asks

"not chase them with a sword" amethyst says

"well how do we know we can trust her" not pearl says pointing to me

"i am a he" i say quietly

"well he doesn't look to strong" the purple one says

"we can't be to sure" not pearl says

"lets see you were talking to mr universe right well he trusts us" rose says

"what are your names" i ask

"im rose"




"there now we're all friends" rose says

"yeah but you should probably leave" i say

"will your friend be angry seeing us" garnet asks

"she will and i don't want her being mad at me she's already making us move" i say

"aw but it looks so nice here" rose says

"maybe I'll talk to her and get her to change her mind" i say

"that would be great it's always nice to have more friends" she says

"oh yeah and if you ever wanna find us we're at the temple your fusion teleported away from us with" rose says

"alright" i say

"i hope to see you and your friend soon" rose says and they leave

"they were pretty nice i guess pearl was wrong or lying to me but she wouldn't do that right? Right?" i sit down and start waiting

After about another hour pearl comes back looking at me worried "what are you doing here if they come through they could attack you" she says

"would they really though" i ask

"what do you mean" she asks

"well are you absolutely sure they would attack us" i ask

"do you think im a liar" she asks

"no of course not just maybe what you've been told about them is wrong" i say

"steven? Do you have something to tell me" she asks a hint of anger in her voice

"ok don't be mad but... TheyTotalyCameOverAndArentThatBadPleaseDontBeMadAtMe" i say very quickly hoping she won't be as angry

"STEVEN! i asked you to trust me on one thing and stay hidden and what do you do? the exact opposite as soon as i leave!" she says

"im sorry i thought you were back but then it was them and we talked and really they are nice" i say

"steven" she practically growls

"really if we just talked to them it wou-"

"steven if they saw me or if they ever found out who your mother was we would be killed" she says

"you said the same thing about them meeting us and when they met me i was fine" i say

"that's because they don't know who you are" she says

"how bad of a person was my mother if everyone hates her so much" i ask

"i can't tell you what she did but she tried her best to be a good person even when everyone was against her" she says

"so she was a good person even though she ordered you to look after me instead of asking and you refuse to tell me what she did" i say

"i didn't want to take care of you because it was an order i did it because i loved her" she says

"enough to lie for her" i ask

"steven what did i do for you to not trust me" she asks

"you won't tell me anything you said you would tell me things but anytime i ask a question you change the subject and now you're trying to hide other people from me" i say

"im trying to protect you" she says

"it sounds like you're just trying to keep me from realizing that the gems aren't as bad as you say they are" i say realizing im standing on the warp pad

"steven please just sit down lets talk about this" she says

"no! Im going away for awhile to talk to gems who will actually tell me things!" i yell before warping to the temple place finding garnet there

"hello steven"

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