chapter 13

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We get home and lapis walks in and flops down on the couch "oh we have a guest" pearl says

"actually we have two" i say

"oh alright introduce me then" pearl says

"ok so this is connie my friend I've told you about and that's lapis she was in the mirror other pearl gave me" i say

"h-hello it's nice to meet you" connie says

"hey" lapis says quietly her face stuffed in a pillow

"is she ok" pearl asks

"no not really she was stuck in that mirror for a long time to be honest she seems to be taking it to well" connie says

"hmm i think i get it" pearl says walking over to lapis

"how you doin lapis" she asks

"i mean better than before" lapis says not moving from the pillow

"you wanna talk about it" pearl asks

"no not really" lapis says

"do you still want comfort anyway" pearl asks

"that would be nice" lapis says

pearl then lifts her up placing lapis head on her lap and pets her head

"huh that went a lot different than i expected" i say

"yeah no kidding based on how the other gems reacted i thought there would be more drama" connie says

"yeah same" i say

"are you two going to sit down or just keep standing there" pearl asks

"oh yeah sorry" connie says and we go sit down

"so connie tell me about yourself" pearl says

"well there isn't anything that interesting about me im just a human with strict parents and a boring life" she says

"don't be ridiculous every life is interesting in its own way even if you have strict parents or ones that have committed war crimes" pearl says earning a small laugh from herself before a sigh

"guess every one has their own problems" i say

"ain't that right lazuli" pearl says

"guess so" lapis says

"sorry but do you two like know each other already" connie asks and the two look at each other

"not more than any homeworld gems know each other we've probably seen each other when lapis had to take orders from blue" pearl says and lapis nods

"yeah that's about it why do you ask" lapis says

"well you two just have the air that you're familiar with each other" connie says

"oh guess we do... Well it is what it is i think im gonna try sleeping now sounds like fun" lapis says

"oh i might join you a nap sounds great" pearl says

"but it's like super early still" i say and they're both already snoring

"they are the most relaxed people I've ever met" connie says

"it's a nice change of pace living with the gems is incredibly hectic" i say

"i don't know sounds pretty fun to me" connie says

"that's because you haven't had to go through other pearls combat training" i say

"that sounds amazing" she says

"you really want something to do don't you" i ask

"a little bit i mean sword fighting that's incredible" she says

"i didn't say anything about swords" i say

"oh i thought you did" she says

I laugh a bit "do you want me to ask her if she'll teach you how to sword fight" i ask and she nods vigorously

"absolutely not!"

"aw come on pearl why not" i ask

"like i have said every day for the past two weeks humans are to fragile for us to train" she says

"but you've seen connie she's super tough" i say

"i don't see the problem" rose says

"rose!? You can't encourage something like this" pearl says

"why not if connie wants to learn to fight you're the only one good enough to teach her" rose says and pearl blushes a bit

"alright fine but don't ask me for favors like this again" pearl says

"haha yes! I'll bring connie tommorow thank you so much pearl" i say before running off

I warp home and go to my room looking for my phone but it's not there

I keep looking but it's not anywhere "hey lapis"


"do you have my phone"




I walk over and see her looking through it "you need a better password" she says

"hey! How did you even guess it" i ask

"it's your birthday" she says

"how do you know that" i ask

"pearl told me" she says

"every time you two are in the same room you both pass out how could she have told you anything" i ask

"that's not true at all you just happen to come home at the time we decide to take a nap" she says and i sigh

"can i have my phone back" i ask

"oh yeah sure i was just looking through the pictures anyway" she says tossing it to me

"k thanks lapis" i say walking back to my room

I call connie and she quickly declines it

"can't talk now im busy" she texts

"that's ok i just wanted to tell you pearl said she'd teach you" i text

"aidhdudbduxhdb what time" she texts

"ill come get you so just be ready in the morning" i text and she sends me a thumbs up

I walk back out and see lapis floating around watching tv "hey no flying in the house your getting the carpet wet"

"oh yeah" she says falling on the couch

"where's pearl" i ask

"i think she went to a concert or something why" she asks

"just curious" i say

"yeah and she put me in charge so i have all the power" she says

"and what are you going to do with that power" i ask

"probably just lay here and wait for her to come back" she says

"you know you could always go out and talk to people right" i ask

"oh yeah i know but why would i do that i have pearl and you and on occasion connie i think im fine here" she says

"if you say so"

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