chapter 7

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I stand there proudly while connie freaks out

"you killed the thing" she says

"it was them or us" i say

"and what's that" she asks pointing to it's gem

"that's something we need to take to rose like right now" i say

"then why are we standing here" she asks picking it up

"yeah you're right lets go" i say and we start jogging to the temple

"this is the best day of my life" she says

"really? Cuz i gotta say this is one of the lower ones for me" i say and we approach the fence

"amethyst!" i yell

"did you bring donuts!" she yells presumably still on the floor

"no now is not the time we could really use your help!" i yell

"we just fought a demon get out here!" connie yells

"alright alright fine" amethyst says walking out

"look look a gem" i say pointing to it

"oh wow that actually is a big deal" she says walking over

"here give me that lil guy" she says and connie does

Amethyst bubbles it and yawns "welp that was fun im goin to bed g'night steven and human stranger"

"the sun came up like four hours ago" i say

"i don't abide by the suns rules it can't stop me" she says before walking back into the temple

"ugh it's finally done that was terrible" i say laying on the sand

"a little but you have to admit it was exciting" she says laying down with me

"do you want to die?" i ask

"no i want to finally live" she says

"i guess that's fair i always wanted something to happen before i met pearl" i say before covering my mouth

"who's pearl" she asks

"look you can't tell any of the gems i said that" i say

"why not" she asks

"because they may or may not completely freak out" i say

"alright don't say anything about pearl" she says and i nod

"well steven sadly i think i need to go home soon but it was nice meeting you take this" she says handing me a piece of paper

"what is this" i ask

"it's my phone number call me if you wanna hang out again" she says

"oh alright and I'll try not to have a giant monster next time" i say and she laughs

"sounds like a plan see ya later steven" she says as shes walking off

"bye bye" i say

After a couple seconds i realize everything in my body hurts so i go into the temple

Of course i find amethyst lying back on the floor asleep so i just use her as a pillow and fall asleep myself

When i wake up on an awake but unmoving amethyst i see the rest of the gems are there with rose looking at me worried "hello" i say

"steven are you alright" rose asks

"yeah why" i ask

"well amethyst said you and a human brought her a corrupted gem and you look injured" she says

"oh yeah it attacked us on the beach and i killed it with lazers" i say

"lazers" not pearl asks

"yeah i wanted to kill it then my hands started glowing and pow lazers" i say

"maybe that's your gem weapon" rose says

"doesn't seem like much of a weapon i mean i already have my hands" i say

"well how about we practice" she says

"yeah lets do it" i say and she takes me to a big arena

"alright steven i want you to concentrate focus on your weapon what is it what does it look like and go from there" she says

I take a deep breath and close my eyes concentrating really hard to the point im shaking

I then feel something in my hand "steven you did it" rose says

I look and see a bow in my hand "woah"

"alright now try firing it" she says excited

"at what" i ask

"here shoot it at my shield" she says summoning it in front of her

"but what if i accidentally hurt you" i ask

"don't worry i can take it" she says

"if you say so" i say pulling back the bow and a blue bolt forms

"now release" she says and i send it flying

Right before it hits her shield it branches out zigging around then slamming all around her exploding

The dust settles and rose is barely standing "very good" she says before popping like the monster

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" i run over and pick up her gem

"what do i do what do i do what do i do" i ask seeing no one around

"why did no one come with!" i ask

"please come back" i say and her gem starts floating

"oh thank goodness i was so worried i thought i..." i say as she forms into not rose but someone pink with fluffy hair

"im sorry steven i wasn't expecting that" she says

"r-rose?" i ask

"yeah what is it steven" she asks

"why do you look like that" i ask and she looks down in terror before changing back into rose

"steven you can never tell anyone about this" she says

"that you have a secret identity like bat man" i ask

"im not a bat but seriously please don't ever ever say anything about that to anyone" she says

"here how about i make it even" i say

"what do you mean" she asks

"well so you don't feel bad about me knowing your secret I'll tell you mine" i say

"oooh ok" she says

"my friend is a pearl" i say and she gasps

"oh my stars that's wonderful" she says and the warp pad rings

Pearl steps out and looks at us "what are you two doing i thought you were training" she asks

"nothing" we both say playfully

"well your human is here for you rose" pearl says annoyed

"oh yay steven we'll continue this later" rose says happily

"ok have fun"

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