chapter 11

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It was thousands of years ago above earth blue diamond was with some members of her court awaiting the arrival of a sapphire

When she finally arrived blue asked her what will become of the rebellion and the sapphire listed who would be attacked then that the rebellion would be destroyed and blue was pleased

But when the rebels attacked the unthinkable happened one of the sapphires rubys saved sapphire fusing with her in the process

The rebels fled and the ruby pleaded to let the sapphire live and that it was all her fault

Blue was furious the rebels escaped the sapphire lied to her and they did something she had never seen

"you will be broken" she said to the ruby and the gems began closing in on her until the sapphire grabbed her and leapt off the arena

In her anger blue slammed her foot down and her palanquin moved to her ship and she left for home world

In her chambers she paced back and forth "pearl!"

"yes my diamond" i asked

"were you aware different gems could fuse" she asked

"i was not my diamond" i said

"and to think that sapphire sacrificed everything for a lowly ruby why would anyone do that" she asked

"well forgive me if im wrong my diamond but i believe it may be love" i say


"yes i believe those gems may have had romantic attraction to each other causing them to preform selfless acts for the other" i explain

"you seem well versed in this topic do you have something you are hiding from me" she asked

"of course not my clarity everything i am is you" i said bowing to her

"good now explain to me how you are aware what they were feeling" she said

"well i know because i could see myself doing the same for you... Of course not the fusion part" i said

"so are you saying you love me" she asked

"of course my diamond doesn't everyone" i asked

"sadly not everyone i don't believe yellow or white would sacrifice themselves for me" she says

"well then they are idiots" i said immediately realizing i might as well have shattered myself

i closed my eyes waiting for her to crush me but instead she started laughing

"pearl you can't say that" she said playfully

"i am so very sorry my diamond it will never happen again" i said

"you are very lucky they weren't here to hear that" she said

"you are not mad" i ask

"no im not you are quite funny when you speak your mind you should do it more often... But only when it's just us" she said

After that day things started getting better i could be more open and blue seemed to be happier

Things were like this for awhile but yellow started catching on

She would ask me things wondering what is happening to blue and i would always lie and say that she's always been like that and not to worry

After awhile she stopped asking but seemed to be watching us closely wich pissed off blue

In an act to spite yellow blue hopped on a ship and went to earth to grieve

But once she got there she started looking around "hey pearl" she asked

"yes my diamond" i asked

"what do you think would piss off yellow the most" she asked

"hmm right now it would probably be if you were to stay on earth for a little bit so she had to do all of your work as well as hers" i say

"oh that's perfect! Pearl your a genius" she says

"oh it's nothing just trying to help" i said

"hmm but i don't think i would fit in with humans as i am right now" she said

"you could shape shift into a smaller form" i said and she thought for a second before smiling

She began shrinking and popped back up still pretty tall but passable for a human she lightened her skin and changed her hair style to look a little more human "how do i look" she asked

"i mean its... Passable" i said and she punched my arm

"you're so mean pearl" she said laughing uncharacteristically

"are you ok did the shape shift affect your gem my diamond" i asked

"am i really that terrible that me laughing is worrying to you" she asked

"to be honest with you my diamond you tend to have a short temper so seeing you so relaxed is a bit worrying" i said

"well mean pearl i am going to go off on my own then" she said and started walking

I quickly followed and she walked into a human town getting strange looks but otherwise fitting in fine

She then spent the next week exploring then the month then the year and before i knew it she decided she didn't want to leave

I remember the day she came to me with her news

She walked over happily and gave me a hug "pear!" she yelled

"yes my diamond" i asked

"im going to have a child" she said

"you what!?" i yelled

"you know that wonderful human i told you about i am going to be having his child isn't it beautiful" she asked

"but my diamond don't you realize what will happen to you" i asked

"yes i will be no more" she said and i grabbed her hand

"please my diamond! No please blue you can't do this someone as great as you shouldn't ever fade away please i-i love you" i said pouring my heart into every word

she knelt down to my level and held my face looking into my eyes "pearl i have always been aware of how you felt towards me"

"then why didn't you say something!" i asked

"because we are not equals pearl" she said and i felt my heart shatter

"i know that! You are a diamond im just a pearl i know i don't deserve you but i thought you saw me as your friend i thought you had changed!" i yelled

"pearl we are not equals because you are better than me you are the one who changed me you are the one who fixed me i could never be as good as you but my child can" she said and i felt myself begin to cry

"i want you to promise me pearl you will take care of my child you will raise them to be better than i ever could and protect him from dangers especially knowing about me about anything related to gems they don't need that in their life" she said and i started pouring out into her

I cried for hours and she sat there comforting me and i saw she truly loved me not as a partner but as her family and i swore to myself i would do everything she asked of me

But when the time came i failed you steven were given to me by blue herself just before she faded away

I was so struck with grief i went and cried until i couldn't anymore but when i came back you were gone and i set out looking for you

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