chapter 15

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We go to the restaurant seeing them arriving as well

I wave to connie who lightly waves back

Her parents notice us and look a bit confused but sit down anyway

"im sorry by the way my daughter worded it i thought there would be a father" the mother says

"i said nuclear family" connie says quietly

"yes you did and technically this is one i apologize" she says

"it's alright" pearl says

"oh sorry where are my manners my name is pryanka this is doug" she says

"pearl and lapis" pearl says

"so if you don't mind me asking do you know stevens birth parents" doug says

"oh yes my... Sister is his birth mother but she passed giving birth and I've never met the father" pearl says feigning? sadness

"oh i am very sorry to hear that" he says

"i have made my peace" pearl says

"so what do you do for work" pryanka asks

"oh we work fro-" lapis is cut off by something huge smashing through the table

"what in the world!" doug yells pulling connie back

We look at the thing and it's a green sphere "what is this" doug asks

The thing then stands up and begins moving around the deck "im gonna talk to it" i say walking over

"your gonna what!?" pearl and lapis say

"hello" i say seeing it has a crack in it

I touch the crack and my arm is suddenly sucked in "steven!" connie yells as it runs away with me attached

She jumps onto it as well and we hear the parents yelling "this was a mistake" i say and connie tries pulling me off

It takes a bit but i eventually pop out and me and her fall to the ground "we're alive!" connie says

Pearl then falls from the sky stabbing into the sphere and it stops moving she then turns to us with a glare as the others arrive

"we're dead"

"what were you thinking steven when things fall from the sky you don't say hi" pearl says

"it rhymes so you know it's true" lapis says floating down

"im sorry" i say

"and you put connie in danger as well you have to be more careful" pearl says

"your grounded for ten thousand years" lapis says

"ten thousand years! I'll be dead by then" i say

"ok maybe not ten thousand years but you are grounded" pearl says

"we're very sorry about that we have no idea why he would do such a thing" lapis says to connies parents

"yeah there's a lot of things that happened i don't understand" doug says

"am i still allowed to hang out with steven" connie asks

"when both of you are ungrounded yes" pryanka says

"well it was nice meeting you but we should probably deal with this" lapis says gesturing to the robot and they nod walking away

"alright lets go find out who caused this" pearl says and lapis picks the robot up with water

We go to the temple and find the gems laying there exhausted "yo what is this" lapis asks

"we don't know they just keep coming and coming" amethyst says

"how many have their been" i ask

"dozens every time we destroy one another shows up" rose says

"that sucks...well good luck with that" lapis says dropping the robot and warping away

"she's never gonna like us is she" rose asks

"well she has reason to" garnet says

"yo steven come hang out with me im bored" amethyst says

"steven is grounded he won't be doing anything for a bit" pearl says

"aw dang... Well have fun little man being buried isn't as bad as it's made out to be" amethyst says

"that's not what it means" other pearl says

"well good luck with the robots" i say and we warp away

"so are you going to bury me" i ask

"no you're just not allowed to leave the house for a week" pearl says

"oh ok i can handle that" i say

"wait we're not burying him" lapis asks

"no" pearl says

"dang i had the perfect spot for a hole" lapis says

"maybe one day" pearl says

"but other than the intrusion i think that meeting went pretty well" lapis says

"i guess it did now steven you are still grounded go to your room but don't think we don't love you because we do" pearl says in a completely non threatening way

"you got to get better at the punishment part of the job" i say

"i am aware im new at this" pearl says

"your trying your best" i say

"stop being nice your in trouble" pearl says and i walk to my room

I sit on my phone for a bit before drifting off

You are a diamond when will you realize that!

I shoot awake and look around seeing the room is empty "who was that"

I walk to the living room seeing pearl and lapis cuddled up on the couch "you have a bed" i say tossing a blanket on them

I get a drink and lay back down after another check for random scary ladies and go to bed

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