chapter 5

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"hello steven"

"oh um hello garnet" i say

"how are you doing" she asks

"well i kinda wish things would go back to how they were two days ago" i say

"im sorry to hear that I'll talk to you more in the morning" she says

"what why in the morning" i ask and she throws down some pillows just as i topple over

I wake up the next morning seeing amethyst looking down at me "yo g it's not dead"

"oh you are awake" rose says looking down at me

"uh hello again" i say

"oh we're so excited to see you again although we're disappointed your friend couldn't make it" she says

"rose he's going to cry now" garnet says

"i already am" i say wiping my tears away the best i can

"oh no my dear what is wrong" rose asks

"i don't think the talk with her friend worked out very well" not pearl says

"he likes to be called him" garnet says

"you're a strange gem" amethyst says

"we can deal with that later he's upset" rose says

"what happened steven" garnet asks me

"well i told her how you came over and that you are nice and she got mad at me saying something about how you guys would kill me if you saw her or knew who my mother was" i say

"she's probably an ex homeworld gem who was told bad stories about us" pearl says

"maybe but that doesn't explain the mother thing" garnet says

"oh um she said that my mother shape shifted and had a child with a human leaving her gem for me that's the most she'll tell me" i say

"can gems do that" amethyst asks

"i guess they can i mean he's living proof" rose says

"hmm may i ask what kind of gem your mother is" garnet asks

"my friend won't tell me that either" i say

"well what kind of gem is your friend" not pearl asks

"i don't know i may be mad at her but if she doesn't want to be known i won't make her" i say

"respectable" garnet says

"well if you have no where else to go you can stay here" rose says

"thanks and i promise i won't intrude I'll just be here long enough to calm down and then im gone" i say

"oh don't be ridiculous you could stay for centuries if you would like" rose says

"woah centuries is a bit to long for me i was thinkin like a week" i say

"how old are you exactly" not pearl asks

"um 14" i say

"thousand?" rose asks

"no uh just 14" i say

"heh you're younger than i am" amethyst says

"that explains a lot actually" garnet says

"yeah i don't really know a lot especially about gem stuff" i say

"we can teach you" rose says excitedly

"yeah it'll be fun" amethyst says

"will you tell me about gem history" i ask

"we will try but it is a bit of a tough subject" rose says

"that's ok i mostly just want to know who my mother is" i say

"oh maybe garnet can help, can you see us finding out who his mother might be?" rose asks

"no, to be honest i can't see anything about his future there's to many possibilities" garnet says

"well you tried your best thanks" rose says

"well what do you know about her" amethyst asks

"hmm i know that apparently all gems don't like her very much and she used to be a bad person but became better but I'm not sure about the reliability of my source" i say

"well if no one likes her including us she may be a homeworld higher up that recently defected like an agate or maybe a lapis?" rose says

"with that gem though i mean it's a pyramid shape and it's huge to be honest he should be bigger" pearl says

"well im still growing i have a human body" i say

"you truly are peculiar" rose says

"thank you?" i say

"how about we give him some space we don't need to ask him everything right now" garnet says

"oh right sorry steven" rose says and they all back away a bit

"no i get it i am a little weird" i say looking at myself

"aren't we all" amethyst says and they all nod

"we'll leave you be steven but i think garnet wants to talk to you" rose says and garnet nods

"alright" i say and they walk away

garnet then crouches down looking at me "so what was it like" she asks sounding excited

"what was what like" i ask

"you know the fusion whatever her name may be" she says

"oh yeah her i don't really know much about that we saw ourselves then us being together then rose came and we started running i think we jumped a fence but i don't remember and you caught us then we broke free and that was about it" i say

"i have to say your escape was weird when she kicked me i couldn't move" she says

"oh yeah that is weird" i say

"maybe your fusion has the ability to do that" she says

"that's cool although i don't think that's happening again" i say

"don't give up on her yet im sure she will come around" she says

"how do you know are you psychic can you read peoples minds" i ask

"not in the way you're thinking" she says

"oh dang that sucks... Wait a minute!" i say looking at her seeing she is smiling

"you're messing with me aren't you" i ask

"a little" she says

"then what can you do" i ask

"in a way that won't take to long i can look through possibilities to see the future" she says

"woah that's so cool" i say

"we know" she says moving her glasses revealing three eyes

"oh my god your a fusion!"

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