chapter 18

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So its been two days since i unbubbled peridot and its been interesting

She's always telling me about homeworld wich is a nice change of pace but she's a very biased source

She was sad she couldn't make "logs" as she called them so i got her a tape recorder wich she seems happy

She seems to be settling but is rather aggressive like hissing at me whenever she's upset so i give her space

We're watching a tv show lapis recorded and she seems happy "hey steven" she asks

"yeah" i ask

"will you take me to see the earth" she asks

"are you going to attack me and run away" i ask

"i thought about it but i have nowhere to go" she says

"then yeah where do you wanna go" i ask

"anywhere" she says

"alright lets go then" i say taking her hand

I walk her to the warp pad and she seems hesitant "are you afraid" i ask

"of course not! Im just wondering if I'll encounter what makes all the gems disappear" she says

"but you already have" i say

"i have was it the television is it a capture device" she asks

"no it's the planet" i say

"the planet is a capture device!?" she asks looking around scared

"no the gems that come to this planet end up liking it here so they stay" i say

"but i don't understand what is so good that would warrant a diamond staying here" she asks

"hmm if i had to guess it would be the ability to be free" i say

"free?" she asks

"yeah being able to do and be whatever you want" i say before warping us to a field outside of town

She looks around star eyed watching the wind sway the grass and a ladybug lands on her finger

"steven look this tiny monster is bowing down to me" she says

"that's a ladybug they are insects" i say

"it's incredible" she says

"it is isn't it" i say

"are these everywhere on earth" she asks

"yes there's all sorts of life on earth and if you stop to look at it is immensely beautiful" i say and she looks around

"here just try laying on the grass and closing your eyes" i say

"alright but you better not attack me while my defences are down" she says

"i won't" i say and we lay down just listening to the sounds of nature and feeling the breeze

After awhile the peace is interrupted by snoring i look over and see peridot passed out "aw it's adorable"

I stay sitting down for awhile until i hear music

I look around and find a guy sitting on a hill playing guitar so i decide to walk over "hello"

He jumps startled before turning to me and i see it's mr universe

"oh hey its uh steven right" he says

"yeah" i say

"so what are you doin out here" he asks

"i am showing my new friend how great earth is" i say pointing over to peridot

"that yellow triangle over there" he asks

"yeah that's peridot she just got here a couple days ago" i say

"so she's a gem" he asks

"yeah but please don't tell any of the gems they probably wouldn't like her very much" i say

"trust me i know some people are just better off not knowing about" he says looking sadly into the distance

"so what are you doing here" i ask

"oh im just practicing somewhere quiet" he says

"that's nice do you want me to go back over there" i ask

"nah I've been meaning to get an opinion on some of my new songs" he says so i sit down

He plays a few songs that i find very entertaining and in the middle of another song i hear "steven!"

We look over and see peridot franticly looking around "peridot im over here!" i say and she looks to me before running over

"steven i just saw the craziest things" she says

"yeah that's usually what happens when you dream" i say

"dream?" she asks

"dreaming is when you loose consciousness so your brain can process what happened" i say

"and it feels quite nice" mr universe says and peridot just now seems to notice him quickly hiding behind me

"who is this human" she asks

"this is mr universe" i say

"just call me greg" he says

"do you know this greg" she asks

"yeah he's friends with rose" i say and she clings to me

"rose quartz! Is she near waiting to attack" she asks

"what? No rose wouldn't attack anybody" greg says

"she shattered pink diamond im sure i wouldn't be that hard" she says

"no one is going to hurt you we're friends" i say patting her head and she calms down a bit

"your on the feisty side aren't you" greg says

"is that an insult" peridot asks

"it wasn't supposed to be" greg says

"then thank you" peridot says

"uh you're welcome" greg says

Peridot keeps looking at him suspiciously so he laughs nervously "well we'll get out of your hair" i say and he nods

"cmon peridot im sure there's more you would want to see" i say

"i want to see a forest like in camp pining hearts" she says

"oh yeah i can show you that" i say and she smiles

"then come on lets go lets go lets go" she says bouncing a bit

"alright we're going bye greg" i say

"see ya steven" greg says and we make our way back to the warp

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2019 ⏰

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