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nobody's pov
august 28th
6:00 pm

the group of teenagers were out at the pizza parlor, sitting together as they enjoyed their pizza's together and talked about many topics that came to their mind. as they were eating, jisung looked over at minho, which immediately got the boy's attention. the elder let out a groan, picking up his pizza slice and feeding it to jisung. the younger boy started giggling, as he then took a bite of minho's slice.

"thank you." jisung said, covering his mouth as he ate.

"you're welcome, baby." minho responded, wrapping an arm around jisung's waist.

hyunjin looked up, "we need new boyfriends." he told minho, "new ones that don't steal our stuff."

the elder started laughing, shaking his head, "i'm fine with my baby stealing my stuff, as long as he's warm and fed."

the younger smiled at his boyfriend, kissing the boy's cheek, "i'm loved."

"you're spoiled." soojin corrected in a teasing way.

felix looked over at the two boys, then looking at changbin as he opened his mouth. changbin looked at the boy, confused, "what do you want?"

the younger pointed at changbin's pizza, only for changbin to point at felix's pizza. felix then pouted, "why don't you spoil me?"

"you got your own." changbin pointed out, "eat your own."

felix continued to pout, turning to soojin, "jinjin?" he asked, eyeing her slice.

the girl laughed at the boy, picking up her pizza and feeding it to felix. the boy became happier, which soojin smiled at. "changbin, feed your man."

"my food." changbin said, protecting his pizza.

"that's me with chicken." woojin spoke up, pointing at changbin.

"you've shared chicken with me before." chan responded, looking at woojin.

"that's me with chicken towards anyone who isn't chan." woojin said, correcting himself.

jeongin laughed at the elder, as he wiped his face after finishing his pizza. the boy then rested his head on hyunjin's shoulder, holding onto the boy's arm. seungmin looked over, squishing jeongin's cheeks, which the younger scrunched his face at. hyunjin wiped his hands off, before wrapping his arm around the two boys.

the group of teenagers then finished their pizzas together, talking about school and how they were all individually excited. they all had good vibes about this year, and couldn't wait for it to start.

7:45 pm

once the teenagers finished eating, they decided to walk to the arcade and spend a few more hours together.

"baby!" jisung called out, tugging on the boy's hand as he used his free hand to point at the claw machine, "it's a stuffy machine."

"don't you have enough?" minho asked the younger.

"i could never have enough stuffies that my boyfriend won me." jisung shook his head, "come on, let's go play."

minho smiled softly, nodding his head as they walked over to the section of claw machines. the two boys walked around the section, until they found a stuffy they both liked.

"it's a taco cat." jisung gasped, "i love it."

minho smiled at the younger, as he swiped his gaming card to play the game. the boy then put his gaming card away, and moved his hands to the controls. while minho was focused on getting the stuffy, jisung wrapped his arms from behind minho, kissing his cheek as he watched the boy become precise with his moves. once the boy felt he was on point, he released the claw, leaning against jisung as he watched the machine.

"don't be a meanie, you machine." jisung said softly, watching the claw pick up the stuffed animal.

minho cooed at jisung's words, turning around in his arms and kissing the boy's cheek, "you're so adorable, baby."

jisung looked at minho, smiling at the boy, "i love yo- oh my god!" the younger cut himself off, pulling away from minho and grabbing the stuffed animal from the prize shoot, "you won it!"

"just cut off your love, that's fine." minho shook his head, which made jisung laugh.

"i love you." the younger said, wrapping an arm around minho, "i love you lots."

minho kissed the boy's forehead, "and i love you." he said, before pulling away, "should we go find the others?"

jisung nodded his head, holding the taco cat close to him, "i saw changbin, soojin, felix, chan, and woojin around here a few minutes ago."

minho hummed a response, holding jisung's free hand as they walked around, in search for the five that jisung listed. eventually, they found the group, seeing that felix was struggling to get a stuffed animal.

"this game is dumb." felix pouted, "i don't like it."

"let me try." chan said, as felix moved out of the way for him.

the group watched chan, as hyunjin, seungmin, and jeongin soon joined, after they spent their tickets on candy.

"what are we watching for?" hyunjin questioned minho.

"felix couldn't win a stuffed animal, so now chan is attempting for him." minho explained, "they both suck, meanwhile i won jisung his stuffy on my first try."

"you're just too good." seungmin responded, eating a piece off the cotton candy he got.

the group went back to watching chan, feeling proud once he finally won felix the stuffed animal. the group then stayed together, as they ended up playing games together, until they no longer had credits.

9:00 pm

"today was so much fun." jeongin spoke up, resting his head on hyunjin's shoulder as he held seungmin's hand.

"it really was." soojin agreed, nodding her head, "thank you, minho and jisung."

"why are you thanking us?" minho questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"because you guys set this up." woojin responded.

"there's no need to thank us." jisung shook his head, "but, thank you guys for coming."

"we should organize group dates more often." changbin suggested.

minho smiled softly, kissing jisung's cheek, "i would definitely enjoy that."

authors note:
lol i'm never catching feelings again
bruh this shit rlly took my ass the fuck down and i need to get the fuck over it
but it sucks bc i was super excited and got cancelled on, as if we didn't plan this shit a fucking week ago and they had time!!! before five hours before!!! to fucking cancel on me!!!
but i understand, i always have to understand
it just fucking sucks and everyone sucks
time to b bitter again i guess
it was just nice though, possibly having the chance to give someone my love but wtv
guess i'm just not worth it
bc i'm a fucking clown🤡
can we get a 🤡 in the chat

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