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nobody's pov
september 2nd
12:05 am

minho and jisung made it back to jian's house, quietly sneaking into the house so they didn't wake anyone up.

"you know you don't have to do that." xun told the boys, slightly scaring them both.

"i thought everyone was asleep?" jisung asked, looking at the elder.

xun shook his head, "we all woke up a few minutes ago." he explained, "well, liena is still struggling to wake junjie's jet-lagged ass up."

"why is everyone up?" minho raised an eyebrow, holding onto the bag with jian's birthday presents in it.

"because it's tradition in our family to wake up the birthday baby at twelve." luli told the boy, walking into the doorway while holding a small cake, "do you have a lighter?" she asked xun, pausing, "who am i kidding, you always have a lighter."

xun laughed at the girl, turning to minho and jisung, "go put his presents away and then we can go wake him and hyunsoo up."

the two boys nodded their heads, leaving to the guest room and putting the gifts away as they then met up with luli and xun, heading upstairs.

"why do you guys have to wake me up so early?" junjie asked in a groggy voice, "i'm tired."

"it's jian's birthday, suck it up." liena told the younger who started whining.

the teenagers then walked to jian's bedroom, stopping in front of it to light the boy's candles. liena then opened the door, turning on the boy's lights. jian covered his face with the blankets, trying to make the lights go away while hyunsoo rolled onto his stomach, hiding his face in the pillow.

"ay, get up you two or no cake." xun threatened the younger's, grabbing hyunsoo's attention.

the younger sleepily rolled onto his back, sitting up and taking the blankets off of jian's face, only for jian to grab the blanket back and cover his face again.

"i'm sleepy." jian whined out, letting go of the blanket and rubbing his eyes.

"okay, sleepy, get up because it's your birthday." minho told the younger, who huffed out and sat up.

jian rested his head on hyunsoo's shoulder, hugging on the boy's side, "this isn't an efficient way of waking me up."

the group didn't care about the younger's being tired, as they then sang happy birthday to jian. luli then put the cake in front of jian's face, "make a wish, birthday baby."

"everything i wish for is in my arms right now." jian told the girl, making hyunsoo smile, "must i really make a wish?"

"yes, it's your birthday." the girl nodded, "quit being cheesy."

jian rolled his eyes, thinking about it for a moment. "i wish that hyunsoo and i can go back to sleep and not be woken up by several annoying teenagers." he said, before blowing out his candles as he then flashed the group a smile.

"he's already hitting his preteen rebellion stage." minho teased the younger, walking over to luli.

minho then wiped some frosting off the cake, as he turned to jian and smiled devilishly at the younger. the boy's eyes quickly widened, as he backed up and took an arm off of hyunsoo, grabbing minho's wrist, "don't you dare."

xun started laughing, "it'd be better if you put his head into the cake."

"don't be a brat to the baby." liena shook her head, "it's his birthday."

"okay softie, i woke up for this, smash his face in the cake." junjie responded, letting out a yawn.

minho shook his head, putting the icing on jian's nose, "i'll save the smashing his face into the cake for later."

"you guys are so mean." jian said through a pout, "this is bullying."

hyunsoo laughed at the boy, getting some frosting off of the cake with his pointer finger and turning to jian, drawing a heart on his cheek, "happy birthday, cutie."

jian sighed out, looking at hyunsoo, "it's only okay for you to do it, because you're cute."

"more like because you're in love with him." jisung sassed the boy, "i'll go get you a towel." he told the younger before leaving the room.

junjie stretched out, "time for me to go back to bed."

"wait." xun told the younger, grabbing some frosting and smearing it on his face, "okay, goodnight."

junjie glared at the elder, "i hope the bed bugs bite you in your ass tonight."

luli laughed at her younger brother, kissing his forehead, "goodnight junjie."

"goodnight." the younger said, as he left the room to the bathroom to wash his face off before going back to bed.

jisung came back into the room, handing the towel to jian so he could wipe his face off. luli then looked at the younger, "do you want some cake right now or save it for later?"

"later please." jian responded while wiping his face off.

luli nodded her head, "goodnight then, our big eleven year old."

"goodnight, ji and hyunnie." liena told the two as she then left the room with luli.

"goodnight, loser." xun said, messing with the younger's hair, "and goodnight, hyunnie."

jian waved at his siblings who left, turning to minho and jisung, "are you two going to stay?"

"i don't know, mr.eleven year old, are we allowed to annoy you?" minho asked, making the younger laugh.

jian wiped both minho and hyunsoo's hands off, getting rid of the icing, "now you're allowed to annoy me."

"i'm going back to bed." hyunsoo told the elder's, laying back down, "goodnight guys."

jian put the towel on top of his nightstand, laying back down as he hugged onto hyunsoo. jisung took the towel off the nightstand, leaving the room to put the towel away and coming back, closing the door and turning off the light. minho and jisung then joined the younger's in bed, as jisung rested his head on minho's shoulder, whispering to jian a soft, "happy birthday."

"happy birthday, ji." minho also whispered to the younger, as he wrapped his arms around jisung.

"thank you both, and goodnight." the younger responded, pausing, "i love you guys."

minho smiled softly, closing his eyes, "we love you too."

authors note:
mayhaps i cried seeing minho not walk the red carpet with the boy's at the aaa's- but it's ok bc when i saw him in his little chair on stage i was happier but my poor baby:((( i hope his ankle quickly heals
also i have no idea what to write next bc if i write like jian's birthday.. people that aren't caught up to my forever are gonna be severely confused LMFAOOOO

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