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nobody's pov
october 25th
6:00 pm

it was dusk time, and the group of teenage friends have been at jisung's house ever since school got out. the group had been chilling for a while, but now that it was nearly dinner time, they had started to get hungry.

"ay, min," hyunjin called out the boy, "where do you wanna go for your birthday?"

"i'm not even sure." minho confessed, "what do you guys want to eat?"

"you're the birthday boy." felix spoke up, leaning back in jisung's desk chair, "we can't decide for you."

"but i have no ideas." the elder huffed out, laying on jisung's bed, "why don't you guys just surprise me?"

"i guess we could do that." seungmin shrugged, "jisung, you're picking."

"oh shit, okay." jisung laughed, getting up and squishing minho's face, "get up loser, we're going eating."

6:30 pm

jisung ended up picking their favorite korean bbq place, as he knew minho would've liked. the group then got seated, looking at the menu and picking what meats they wanted. once they all decided, they told their waitress and handed their menus back.

"can you believe minho is now the legal age?" soojin questioned, taking a sip of her water, "you can legally drink."

"and legally do whatever he pleases." hyunjin laughed, looking at minho and nudging his side, "what's your first legal adventure?"

the boy hummed a response, "where'd the waiter go?" minho questioned, "lemme order some alcohol."

jeongin gasped at the boy, "no, bad minho." the younger scolded, "no alcohol for you."

"but i'm legal." minho smiled, "i can do whatever i want."

"not like being underage stopped you from anything." jisung pointed out.

minho turned to the boy, shushing him, "hush babe, don't blow my cover."

"you're the one who was a stoner." seungmin said, calling out jisung.

"oh wow, look at this straw dispenser." jisung changed the topic, pressing the bottom of the dispense, "so many straws."

felix took the straw that was dispensed, taking a little bit of the wrapper off. the boy then aimed the straw at jisung, blowing into the unwrapped side. jisung was taken back by the sudden wrapper hitting him, making felix laugh.

"boy, you just started a war." soojin told felix as she watched jisung grab a straw for retaliation, "nice job."

the younger boy immediately hid behind soojin after seeing jisung aim the straw at him. soojin then moved out of the way, looking back at felix, "i am not your shield."

"babe, stop." felix whined at the girl moving, "i'm not trying to get hit."

jisung watched the boy, moving in front of minho's view and blowing into the straw, hitting felix, "haha, loser."

"babe, stop." hyunjin mimicked, lightly pushing both of his boyfriends, "babe, i said stop."

"stop, babe." seungmin laughed as he joined in with the elder.

"i said stop." jeongin spoke up in the deepest voice he could, "i said stop!" the younger laughed out.

"i didn't even think of that." felix confessed, taking the wrapper and throwing it at jisung, "loser."

"you guys are four year olds." minho told the two, who agreed with his statement.

their waiter then came back with the meats the group wanted, along with their side dishes. they then turned on the burner, allowing it to heat up.

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