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nobody's pov
september 26th
6:00 pm

the four teenagers all got off their phones, piling them onto jisung's nightstand as they then returned to their cuddling session.

"guys, you wanna know what's been weird lately?" felix questioned the others, unsure if they wanna know what's been on his mind.

"what's up?" soojin asked, running her fingers through the boys hair.

"chicken butt." jisung said softly, measuring minho's hand against his own before intertwining their fingers.

minho let out a laugh, shaking his head as he then kissed the top of jisung's head. "really though, what's up, lix?"

"it seems as if changbin is almost making excuses to not hang out with me." felix confessed, pausing, "i know i shouldn't tell you guys about my relationship and it's problems, it's just been bothering me for awhile."

minho glanced over at soojin, who glanced back at him. the girl cleared her throat, "so is hanging out with me not good enough for you?" she questioned in a teasingly way, "so mean."

"no, it is." felix reassured the girl, "it just hurts that he's not hanging out with me, considering he's my boyfriend." the boy sighed, "and we haven't had any fights either, so i don't know what's wrong."

jisung looked over at felix, sighing, "it's okay, baby. i know you want to hang out with him, but maybe he needs space?" the boy questioned, "i couldn't understand what he needs it for, though. you guys already don't hang out that often."

"i texted his mom, asking if everything was okay within the family and she said yes, so i just don't know." the younger pouted, resting his head on top of soojin's shoulder.

"he's being changbitch right now, that's what i know." minho spoke up, making felix softly laugh. "don't stress it, bub. if he wants to be a little shit, then let him. just don't let it get to you or hurt you."

felix nodded his head, "i know i shouldn't, but i don't know." the boy then let out a groan, "relationships are stupid at times."

"true." soojin sighed, "some people just suck at relationships, then it just effects you."

"or some people just like to break up with you every chance they get." minho added on.

"hey!" jisung said in an offended tone, "you're so mean to me."

"you're the one that broke up with him two times." soojin pointed out, making felix and minho laugh.

"and i regret it." jisung pouted, "i'm bad at talking about my feelings, okay?"

"it's okay, baby." minho said, kissing the top of his boyfriend's head, "i still love you more than anything."

"you guys are gay." soojin told the two boys, "but me too."

"you're being het right now." jisung responded, resting his head on minho's shoulder.

"shut up, felix deserves to be babied." the girl shook her head, taking her hand out of the boy's hair and wrapping her arms around him.

"no, keep playing with my hair." felix whined, taking one of soojin's arms off of him and placing her hand into his hair, "i like it."

"see?" soojin giggled, running her fingers through felix's hair, "he's baby."

"i'm not baby." the boy refused, wrapping his arms around the girl's neck, "i just like attention."

"me too, attention is fun." jisung agreed, "now can we watch a movie? this cuddle session is dumb without a movie."

minho started laughing, "what movie do you guys wanna watch?" the boy questioned, grabbing a remote.

"a scary movie." soojin responded.

"no." felix whined, "too scary."

"too bad, let's watch one." jisung agreed with the girl, making felix pout.

"if i have nightmares, i'm blaming you guys." felix pouted, "and it's a school night, so i don't want nightmares."

"have soojin cuddle you until you sleep." minho suggested, going through the horror movie list, "oh, let's watch the nun."

"frick." felix cursed under his breath, "soojin, i expect good cuddles tonight."

the girl let out a laugh, holding felix closer, "anything for the baby."

jisung glanced at the two, smiling softly, "horror movie time, you losers." the boy then held tightly onto minho, "now be quiet and enjoy the movie."

authors note:
why is laying on the bathroom floor so comforting when you're sick

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