into the city

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We were all on the train when Midoriya asked them if they had tried to enlist the help of our other classmates. Todoroki told him that they asked everyone to help out in the rescue but they all refused as they felt like leaving it to the pros would be smarter. He also mention something about uraraka saying some stuff about how bakugou would hate it for someone to try and save him. I was not really listening as i was gripping tightly to the small crystal pendant on my thin chain necklace.

It seemed that Yaoyorozu had noticed my somewhat distracted state and saw what i was clutching in my hand. She tilted her head and faced me asking,"What do you have there?"

I looked at her and lifted my necklace up,"Oh this? This is a gift from a friend, she gave this to me before she died. Its like my lucky charm and my secret weapon."

They looked at me in shock after saying that my friend died but i shrugged it of and continued to grip it as i told them,"This is the thing i use when i cannot steal someone's quirk."

They were very confused looking so i had to clear it up,"My friend had an interesting quirk, "Absorb". Seemed simple enough, all forms of energy she could absorb and convert into other forms that would suit her use for it. Although it has a certain limit to how much so she used to my small crystals to store excess energy and use them as mini grenades which had enough power to blow up a building. She and I were messing around with the crystals till somehow she accidentally stored her quirk in one of them. She was able to get it back but we did do alot of other experiments with our quirks and learnt that i could steal quirks from the crystals. Only problem was that when she put her quirk in the crystal i had to steal it and give it back as her quirk was not made to steal other quirks unlike mine. Before she died she gave me this with her quirk inside. I use it very rarely and always store it back after im done with it. Really its not a big deal."

They seemed dumbfounded till Midoriya spoke up,"Wait so you can technically pass down quirks now?"

I nodded because technically i could but it was a troublesome process. We talked a little more and reached the city not long after. I marvelled at the beauty of it until Ejirou suddenly ran off screaming at Yaoyorozu for the coordinates. I was inwardly laughing as they had to grab his collar to stop him and scold him for how stupid he was being.

They agreed that it was too dangerous for them to be out in the open with them being famous and all. I was not included as i was technically non-existent to the outside world for the time being.

As they all went to find disguises, I was writing in my notebook more about them from what i had learnt during my interactions with them. After a few minutes they all came out in what I deemed were ridiculous outfits so i had myself a laughing fit before we started to make our way towards the tracker.

On our way there we saw that there was a huge screen showing how the school was being grilled by the media, asking them how could they let 26 students get injured and 1 student get kidnapped even going as far as to mention how an innocent local was also shot which i did not know how that was related to the school. What i did was my own choice, bot the school's. I guess the news just likes to find anything that would attract people's attention.

The school said that most injuries were from the knockout gas produced by the villain's quirk. But due to Tetsutetsu, Kendo and they even mentioned me, we stopped the villain from causing more harm. I'm glad they did not mention his death.

We saw that they were all being hated by the civilians around us which were all commenting on how they no longer trusted heroes. I saw my classmates get worried since they knew this could get alot worse. I told them we should hurry up and find the tracker so that we can save bakugou.

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