My father is a Villain

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It was yet another boring day for school but I was very excited since today was free training day. Today they would let us onto the field and pick whoever to spar and train with. But I was hoping to train by myself for a good chunk of today and mess with other people's battles. I jumped out of bed and did a quick stretch. I was heading to the kitchen with a toothbrush in my mouth and a mug in one hand while the other held my notebook where I was trying to decide whether I should work on my quirk or my combat.

 My quirk was a one-trick-pony that I was not very confident in while on the other hand if I were to say steal my opponents quirk I would still need to have to fight them in a fist fight and Mirio went easy on me. I still do not know how I stacked up against my classmates. I ran through people who were the best in hand to hand combat and I landed on a couple viable options but the problem was that one of them was Uraraka who paired her fighting style with her gravity quirk to make it easier to take someone down. The other option was Aizawa sensei but he would always sleep during free training sessions. 

I then went to make breakfast and write a note for the rest who still wern't up yet. I told them in the note that I would be doing a morning warm up and that they should help themselves to the food. I went back to my room to put away my toiletries and change into my black sweatshirt and jeans. I put on my necklace for now taking the stored quirk.

I went out for a jog around the dorms while greeting some of our seniors who had also decided to go for an early exercise. I was heading back to the 1a dorms to grab my stuff before heading to class but I came across the class 1b dorms where I remembered that I actually had a couple friends in there and Aizawa sensei mentioned something about wanting us to form a stronger bond with class 1b so we would have a free training session with them. I used my stolen quirk and lightly expelled energy from my feet to fly up into an open window quiet as possible. Whoever left their window open had also left their bed as shown by by the mess and the slight indent of a body on the mattress.

I wanted to find tetsutetsu or itsuka so that I could tell them in advance I wanted to spar with them and train today so that they would not be sparing or training with someone else. I felt like it was rude to go around the whole dorm trying to find one of those two name plates so I had gone to where a railing was looking over the common area. I jumped down with no sound not wanting to disturb those who were still asleep.

I look up towards the common area to see the whole class 1b gathered together eating cereal. Most were staring at me and one beastly looking fellow had an eye twitch moment and one of them had their spoons drop from their mouth onto the floor. I chuckled lightly and held my hands up defensively but they must have taken it for some sort of attack cause one of them screamed,"VILLAIN!"

I saw Setsuna launch a part of herself at high speed. It was heading for my chest so I quickly absorbed the impact from the attack as I pulled out my notebook to fill up information about class 1b. This was dumb as they took it that I was gathering information on them. I put away the book in my pocket but was immediately restrained with vines wrapped around me tightly and large mushroom stalks which acted as a cage. I was trying to wriggle out of the  whole vines situation when a giant beast held me with both his hands squeezing me. I was running out of options and was questioning whether class 1a or class 1b was better.

A blonde who I recognised as monoma sauntered up to me asking,"Now villain, before we take you to the heroes, who do you work for and what is your mission?"

I answered honestly,"Dude I'm just looking for Itsuka or Tetsutetsu.""Wait, Asu!?"

I saw Istuka making her way towards me and pulled back my hood to reveal my face. She sighed and explained to her classmates,"Guys this is Asu, he is from 1a, a transfer. He was living in the forest before and well, you know."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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