my new "friends"pt2

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I was holding the knife dangerously close to my wrist, seemingly ready to slice into my flesh. I closed my eyes as i slowly moved the knife even closer to my wrist before i was interrupted by a voice. "Hey Asu, i know your new here and you went out to get me too so i just wanted to-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?"

I looked up to see Bakugou at my door staring at me as I was about to harm myself. He walked over and snatched away the knife and threw it out into the hallway before yelling at me,"HEY YOU IDIOT, DON'T FUCKING DO THAT! LOOK I KNOW LIFE SUCKS BUT DON'T DO THAT!"

I was shocked that he could show concern as i wiped away my tears and thanked him. He scoffed and told me that he just came to thank me for helping out Midoriya with the rescue.

He left me there as i went out to pick up the knife and place it back on display. I went to the kitchen to fix myself dinner before going to bed but I found the whole group of students who went to rescue Bakugou with Tsuyu as they were talking outside. I also saw uraraka with them. I went to go see what was happening till Tsuyu bursted out crying so I stopped and decided i should let them handle this. I went to the kitchen and checked the fridge and grabbed a premade sandwich. I was heating it up in the microwave when Kirishima came up to me and asked,"Are you that hungry? We will be leaving for barbecue soon dude."

I looked at him confused and asked,"Wait you want me to come?""Of course your part of the class aren't you? Come on we can introduce ourselves to you while we eat."

He started to pull me outside where everyone was waiting and ready to leave. We took a bus to go to a local barbecue shop and we ordered tons of food. I was still immensely hungry and after playing around with Yaoyorozu's quirk i was ready to eat a cow. I started to grab my food as others were talking amongst themselves. I was shoveling barbeque beef into my mouth until someone tried to talk to me.

I heard this,"So how do you use your quirk?" I swallowed all the food in my mouth as i noticed many of my classmates stopped their conversations and started to stare at me eat. I answered,"I simply have to come into contact with someone to steal their quirk. I can decide whether to or not though and if i steal physical quirks it might injure the original holder. I can return the quirks by either sleeping or coming into contact with the person again but i can only return the quirks to the source holder and not others. I have been trying to work out how to hold on to the quirks even after sleeping though. If the holder of the quirk dies before i return the quirk to them, theoretically I will gain his or her quirk but it hasn't happened yet. Basically i have a useless quirk hehe. compared to your quirks mine really isin't much to boast about, I cant even do anything without another person unlike you guys who can literally destroy a building in one punch, resist bullets, freeze or burn anything within a 20 metre radius or make anything out of thin air."

I returned back to eating as they responded to my compliments towards them. Some laughed some were embarrassed and some tried to assure me that my quirk is far from useless. I told them,"Dude you guys can't be serious, i can't even function without another's quirk and if you guys are wondering why i am eating so much is because Yaoyorozu's quirk is so tiring to use since i have to use my lipids to make things. I haven't really been of use to you guys anyways so I'm just planning on surviving this year."

Bakugou spoke up,"Idiot, you were useful, if you didn't take down that flying marble bastard we might not even be here today. You survived a gunshot, helped take down a villain, neutralized another and survived a hundred foot drop without a scratch. I'd say your far from useless in my books. You also learnt how to use mine, Yaoyorozu's and Uraraka's quirks on the first try with barely any information about our quirks. I say that your smart and brave so I respect that. Your still a kid and you might unlock your quirk further so i don't doubt your gonna make it in this world."

I smiled as i looked at him putting another piece of meat in his mouth and noticed everyone with wide eyes and jaw dropped. I raised an eyebrow before Ashido screamed,"What have you done with our precious Bakugou! He would never compliment someone like that!"

Bakugou's eyes twitched as he yelled back,"I CALL IT HOW I SEE IT, WHAT I CAN'T BE NICE IS THAT WHAT YA TRYNA SAY!?"

I scratched my head before Kirishina nudged me,"Dude, Bakugou never compliments anyone, you must of done something to really impress him."

I looked back at Bakugou who was still arguing with Ashido and I felt a warm homey feeling that i hadn't felt since Rei and Quita left for school. I think i could get used to this.

We talked and ate for an hour before we realised that it was time to go back before the teachers started worrying. On our way back I talked to many of them and learnt alot and Yaoyorozu even offered to help me with school work since i was technically very behind on every aspect. I saw that some of them signaled to me to refuse but i graciously accepted her offer. We all went back to our respective rooms and I crashed onto my bed full and satisfied excited for the year i would have ahead of me.

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