Getting away

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I had tried to find the rest to no avail trying to push through the large crowds of people. Nothing was really tempting me to stay as i was uninterested in the fight. I started to make my way to the nearest train station. I bought a ticket with money i had swiped off some poor guy who left his wallet sticking out his pocket. I sat down on a seat in the mostly empty train. With the fight going on everyone is gunning to watch the fight live and cheer All Might on. I knew that my classmates were most likely doing nothing but. I was watching the view of the city as the train passed by. It was beautiful with shiny lights and tall buildings, Filled with people roaming the streets.

I then heard one of the passengers near me say out loud,"I can't believe what's happening with All Might!"

I could not care less. I was tired as after using the "Absorb" quirk I use up a lot of energy and i also had to steal two quirks other than that so i was already reaching my limit. I was experiencing the drain of using three quirks simultaneously which i was okay with if i had not fallen from so high up which had me use up most of my energy which i had stored.

I decided to take a nap on the train mentally counting the stops in my head to try and wake myself up.

After an hour long ride back, it was already sunrise. I got off the train and made my way back to the dorms where it was empty and dark. I had to switch on all the lights and go to the kitchen to grab myself a snack to prevent me from starving to death. I grabbed some cereal and milk for my meal and consumed half the box and the whole gallon of milk. I cleaned up the dishes and made my way to my room to grab a change of clothes.

I went to the shower room were i took a quick shower before i dried myself off and brought my dead self to my room in my pyjamas which were really normal outside clothes which consisted of a black shirt, grey shorts and my own bandana to keep my hair out of my eyes when i slept.

I was in my room unpacking what they could save from the fire. I happily put the crystal necklace onto the dresser after transferring the quirk back into the crystal. I put up a picture of me with my old group of friends, with me being the youngest out of the four of us. There was Ari who was the girl who died and gave me the crystal containing her quirk. There was Rei Kata who was the second oldest around three years older than me and just shy of one month younger than the oldest of us. He was the holder of the "Redirection" quirk. He could redirect any attack away from him and after countless hours of training he learnt how to manipulate attacks to hit the opponents. However he could not do the same with physical attacks as he could only move the attacks aside from himself to avoid his body but I was able to catch him off guard a couple times before and defeat him.

Lastly the oldest would be Quita Ori who was the holder of the "Infi-weapons" quirk. It is similar to Yaoyorozu's quirk where she could manifest any weapon she could imagine. She could also perfectly utilise and control weapons even if they do not belong to her. I was only able to defeat her once after i had stolen Rei's quirk to redirect her projectiles and get close enough to steal her quirk. She still gave me a black eye though before i could defeat her.

I knew that they had hesitantly left us to go to their schools of choice only after much persuasion from me and Ari telling them to go. They should be second years now if I'm not mistaken. I wonder how they would react to me being in UA and a year younger than all my classmates at that. I think Quita would kill me if i told her i recklessly ran into a villain's quirk field, got shot, took out the villain and killed him afterwards, got hospitalized and then went to go rescue a missing student along with a group of my other new classmates who still don't know I'm in their class. I would also have to tell her i fell from about a hundred feet to take out a villain who was about to ruin the rescue mission.

If she heard that i would sooo be in trouble, thank god she is not from this school. Nor is Rei. I was still unpacking when i saw a small note within the box that they passed me. It read,"Welcome to UA, hope you like it here ;)"

It was nice to know that they at least hope i like it here. I finished unpacking and arranging my room. It was still quite plain only filled with old memories of my past, pictures of my childhood. Also had my hunting knife on display for now still not really knowing what to do with it. It was 9am already and i had nothing to do. I decided to go to sleep since i was tired.

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