super moves?

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I woke up early ready for my first day of school which was luckily training and not study related. I checked and saw we had to report to class first. I was about to pour a bowl of cereal and realised that i had woken up three hours before school was supposed to start and nobody was awake so i decided to make everyone breakfast.

One and a half hours later i saw the first of my classmates making their way to the common area to grab breakfast but they stopped when they saw what i had laid out on the tables which were buffet sized plates full of scrambled eggs, sandwiches, bacon and pancakes. Yaoyorozu and Lida were the first ones down and were stunned by the sheer amount of food that was there. Lida scolded me for using up so much food but i told him we would finish all.

Soon enough people started to stream down to the common area for breakfast and saw the food i had made. They grabbed their portion of food and left to find a seat on the couch. I heard Kirishima say,"Woah, its good, who made all this?"

I was already done eating my share and was about to leave before Yaoyorozu answered,"Asu made it, he woke up more than an hour before all of us."

They thanked me as I walked away but was soon stopped by Hagakure, kiminari and Hanta stopping me with their hands together and tears comically streaming down their face saying in unison,"Please cook for us from now on..."

I awkwardly tried to step back and responded to their request,"Well I can try but i can't always do it since i may be tired on some days and decide to sleep in. And I may also so decide to experiment a little so you wouldn't mind right?"

They shook their head as Sato came up and asked me,"Hey could you teach me and i could teach you to bake as well."

I nodded and left to change into my uniform and head to school. I made my way into the empty classroom that I was told to go to for today. I sat on a random seat and waited for the rest to reach.

Soon the rest came and mister Aizawa entered and started class. He started talking,"So you guys have a good grasp on your quirks and are adept at using them already. Now we will be taking the next step and developing your ultimate moves. I have also gotten these three teachers to help you guys out, Midnight, Ectoplasm and Cementos."

We were all asking questions about what they were and how they worked and I learnt that basically anything that you can pull out that will give you an advantage in a fight would do but its like a trump card. I was kinda worried since i technically had no quirk but i then remembered that i could use "Absorb" for now to develop super moves since i would be using it anyways.

We were taken to a training facility called ground beta where there were large rock structures with level ground at different heights. Aizawa sensei told us that we would be guided by the teachers but Ectoplasm would make clones to act as dummys for us to use.

I was sent to my practise area where i dumped my bag of energy drinks out so that i would not faint. I already had a few super moves and wanted to try them out. I cupped my hands and compressed pure energy into them making a ball shape. There were visible distortions in the air emanating from between my fingers. Ectoplasm was impressed as he thought that it would take me a couple days to figure something out. I took off the top hand and threw the ball of what seemed like kinetic energy as hard as i could, using more energy to blast the ball speeding it up tremendously. It hit the Ectoplasm clone and destroyed it, going on to hit the side of one of the rock structures going right through it.

I heard a couple yells and screams of shock when it happened. I chuckled as i scratched my head nervously, yelling,"SORRY, I'LL WEAKEN IT!!!"

I heard Aizawa yell up to me,"Hey, i thought your quirk was to steal others, when could you blast things to shreds?"

I told him it was a trade secret when i heard Kirishima call out to me, praising me for already coming up with a move. Ectoplasm reappeared and asked,"So you going to name it?"

I named it "Focus Blast". I went on experimenting even more ways to use the quirk. I made super moves for all types of energy. I was working on my second move when I saw a giant piece of rock falling and on its way to hit a scrawny All Might. I gathered some energy I had saved and used "Focus Blast" and threw it to towards the rock. I had also boosted it and put enough heat energy that it would disintegrate the debris so as to minimise damage.

I saw as the distortions in the air signified the position of the energy, came closer to the rock. I saw the moment the energy hit the rock a shockwave could be felt around the training grounds

I saw that apparently Midoriya had also tried to destroy the rock but he had been blown away and was slammed into a wall. I went wide eyes and whistled to myself acting like nothing happened. I went back to trying to compress light energy into a single point on my finger, shooting out a thin line of light easily drilling a hole into the rock, when i accidentally  put too much power to it and made the rock blow up. It was good for me since that was better than i expected. I named it "Lasershot"

Over the course of a few days I had made three more super moves which were "Shockwave" which is me releasing all the energy I stored and launch people and objects away. "Electro Disc" which I compress kinetic energy into a small space and spin it for it to turn into a disc shape when I add ass much electric energy as I need and throw the disc in my targets direction. It apparently is powerful enough for the teachers to ban me from using it in an enclosed space since after I mastered it I had shaved the tops off the mountain like structures clean off and went through the walls of the training facility. The final one was "Energy Wall:Absorb" which is when I can make a wall to protect me and my allies out of energy and absorb the energy of attacks that are blocked from the wall and projectiles are stopped dead in their tracks. I had to ask Mr.Snipe to help shoot near me as I had to learn how to block things that did not hit me directly so there is a human shaped outline in bullet holes on the rock face of the training ground.

We were finishing up for the fifth day when class 1b came and the teacher, Vlad King, claimed it was their turn to use the facility and Aizawa sensei corrected him that we still had seven more minutes. We met the students of 1b and talked to them for a while. I met the guy who had a similar quirks to me who was boasting on how they would destroy us in the provisional exam. He was laughing maniacally at nothing when I saw Kendo and ran up to her. I called,"Yo, Kendo, hows life, where is tetsutetsu?"

She faced me and smiled,"Oh hi Asu, life is fine and tetsutetsu id changing right now, how is class 1a?""Oh its been great, I met so many nice people and Midoriya, Kirishima and Bakugou have been especially nice to me. And I got to destroy alot of stuff so far as you can tell, hehe.""Wait Bakugou is nice to you, wow, thats new. And your the one who put a hole in the wall?""Yup, is that guy okay? He looks like he belongs in a mental facility.""Hes fine."

The teachers then told us that we would not actually be in the same testing site and will not be competing with each other. We all saw Neito visibly sigh in relief before going back to saying how its a disappointment that we would not be crushed directly by them. Kendo sweatdropped and apologised before dragging him outside while he was still laughing. Today was the last day before we would be sent to the testing site and tested to decide whether or not we get our provisional license. I headed to the supporting department where I was supposed to collect my hero costume. I met with a pink haired girl who answered the door. She asked me why I was there and I told her it was due to me having to collect a hero costume. She gasped and told me that I should try one of her babies which she then pulled out. A small pack and told me that she has heard of me. She said that the pack would store enough energy to power a city and I could use it to store power for my quirk. I told her that it was nice but I just came for the costume.

I met with Power Loader who told me that my costume was ready. He opened a door and pulled out my costume as per my request was a simple black hoodie, a terrorist mask, baggy jeans, fingerless gloves, a fire proof scarf and to finish it off I would wear my necklace. I thanked Power Loader and left for my dorm room. Everyone was talking to each other and some were nervous about the test tomorrow. They saw me and asked me about my costume. I told them that its my base design so its not upgraded but it would do for tomorrow. We talked about strategies for awhile before we decided it was time to sleep. I was in my room staring at my hero costume, Aizawa sensei had told us we would be competing with second years and that it has a fifty percent fail rate. I hoped to see two of my friends if we were against second years.

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