hero internships?

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The next day we all got to gather in a large square. The principle talked about how after everything that had happened they hoped to get back to normal with the curriculum. I yawned as he talked in an unusually cheery tone for the morning until he said something about hero internships. I immediately started paying attention but he only said that the upperclassmen were doing it. He then handed the time over to a dog/human who just growled and howled into the mic. Vlad king came and translated it. They were talking about yesterday's incident and how two students fought. They wanted us to live in a peaceful environment and hoped we could bond as students.

I was already have asleep but I was woke up when kirishima patted my back to tell me that we had to listen to this. I ignored him and we all soon went back to class. I was really shag so I pulled out my old tape recorder to record the audio of the lessons so I could listen to it at night while I slept in class. Aizawa sensei told us that the semester was going to be much more difficult bit I guess it wasn't before. He was asked aboit the hero internships which I also was wondering about. He explained to us that since we got our provisional licenses that we could participate in more real hero work and that this was optional and to be done ourselves. He told us to use connections via the sports festival which I didn't have but I did know someone.

I was in English class when I started to feel drowsy despite the yelling from present mic. I had already learnt English and was fairly fluent so I was bored. I took out a small notepad and started coming up with hero names since I would have to be one soon. I was scribbling words into the pad until I was called upon by the teacher to answer the question which I responded hastily.

When school ended we all went back to the dorms tired and drained except for me since I enjoyed watching the rest have no idea what was going on. I was giggling at the way people teased and poked fun at how Bakugou and Midoriya were unable to clean the dorm properly. I felt bad so I simply ignored them as much as I could. I was about to start dinner but I saw Midoriya struggling with all the garbage bags so I felt the need to help.

I offered my help to which he gladly accepted. I carried half of them and we made our way to the garbage chute. I had felt a presence watching us as we walked by the third years' dorm but ignored it until I came across a face that seemed fused to the wall. We both were shocked while the wall grew an arm pointing to the garbage dump saying that we could throw the food trays with the burnables. we responded and asked each other what that was. Next the face appeared from the ground scaring Midoriya. I just stared at it questioningly as it laughed while it apologized for scaring us. I was still highly confused but wanted to try stepping on it seeing if it was real. He call Midoriya the energetic first year and called me the new kid. He said that he had heard rumours and was happy that we were so energetic. he said that we did nit know him but would very soon. I was about to step on it but it phased back into the ground before i could. What kind of quirk is that?.

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