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300 years ago

A monstrous reptile with wings roared in pain as men in armor fired harpoons past his scaly body. His precious egg, his child was at least hidden. The pirates stole his treasure as the dragon's blood trickled down creating a flood.

"Hurry! Kill the beast!" A man with a crown said.The armored men yelled and screamed attacking more viciously.

"Mark my words..." The dragon spoke with his last few breathes."My child's hatching will be your reckoning" The dragon roared."I hear by curse you to be at the mercy of my child..."

"Papa, why did the king hurt the dragon?" A small boy with big brown eyes asked the king.

"Well Jongho everyone was scared, he was big and scary." The king replied.

"Zeus is big and scary but everyone loves him, why didn't they just become friends with the dragon? I'm sure that would've been better." Jongho replied.

"That is true," the king smiling down at his son.

"Papa can I be friends with the baby dragon" Jongho asked pointing at the egg in the story book.

"I don't see why not, but it's been 300 years Jongho. The egg probably already hatched." The king exclaimed.

"Oh..." Jongho said looking disappointed.

"But, I-I'm sure he will still be willing to be your friend!!" The king said trying to make the young boy happy again.

"Really!?" Jongho asked expectantly.

"Yes, I promise!" The king replied with a wide smile.

"Thank you papa! I'm gonna go make a gift for my dragon friend!" Jongho screamed running off.

"I sure hope you become his friend Jongho or our kingdom will meet its end." The king sighed.

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