Sharing the Prince's Chambers

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Jongho laid in the bath, letting the warm water soothe his aching skin. The bubbles tickling his face. The candles sending a sweet aroma in the air.

"Prince Jongho, I have arranged your robes, Seonghwa will be here soon to dry and dress you. Would you like the cinnamon candles lit in your chambers tonight or the vanilla?" One of his personal maids replied.

"Cinnamon, and thank you." Jongho replied to the maid. Jongho ducked his head under the hot water allowing the suds in his hair to be washed out. A knock at the door was heard.

"Jongho, it's Seonghwa" Seonghwa exclaimed.

"Come in!" Jongho replied when his head was above the water. The door opened to Seonghwa. Jongho's motherly figure, his personal butler.

"Please step out of the bath, I can't dry you when you're in the water" Seonghwa sighed.

Jongho giggled standing up, and stepping out. Seonghwa sighed looking away from the prince's body. Seonghwa took the towel carefully patting the prince's body removing the suds and water. After drying Jongho's body he dropped the larger towel and took a smaller cotton towel and dried the prince's hair. Tossing the towels in the laundry basket he opened the doors from the bathroom that entered the chambers. The night robe was laid out on the bed, Seonghwa grabbed the silk robe taking it and dressing the prince, both unaware of the dragon in the room. The dragon stared at the prince's pure body, when Seonghwa left Yunho finally spoke.

"You're very beautiful" Yunho exclaimed causing Jongho to jump.

"You scared me!" Jongho laughed, slightly embarrassed.

"I apologize" the dragon replied walking closer to the beautiful prince "You seem to be flustered, is it from what I said, or the fact that I saw you while you were dressing?" Yunho questioned.

"A little bit of both," Jongho said biting his lower lip. "It's not every day a handsome dragon complements you" Jongho smiled and let out a small chuckle.

"It's also not every day you get to talk to someone as ethereal as yourself" Yunho stated causing Jongho to blush.

"Are you just going to keep flirting with me?" The prince asked, trying to calm down his burning face.

"I don't know, will you let me?" Yunho questioned back taking the prince's soft hands in his own.

"I uhm..." The prince stammered. "We had a long day huh? Let's uh, let's get some rest" Jongho rushed walking away from the dragon tearing his hands from the other. Yunho laughed as the prince climbed under the duvet.

"You're really cute Jongho, if you keep making my heart race I'll just have to make you my king" Yunho stated earning an embarrassed squeak from the flustered prince.

"Just go to sleep," Jongho murmured.

"Alright, alright," Yunho climbed into the bed alongside the prince. Embracing the tired boy in his arms, Yunho let out a yawn, letting his eyes become heavy and drown him in a deep slumber.

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