The Hatching

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Jongho walked about the kingdom with a couple of friends. San a boy from an aristocrat family who had a dog he took everywhere named Shiber. Wooyoung and Yeosang who were singers at the opera house. People paid hundreds to hear the duet's voices The, four of them stayed in the higher-class area of the kingdom due to lower class people attacking the prince many times.

"I want to go to the cursed mountain" Jongho suddenly blurted out. "The hatching is supposed to happen today" the prince continued.

"Are you sure? Your father will behead you if you go" San quickly said. Yeosang stayed quiet whilst his partner started screaming.

"You can't be serious! That's foolish! Newly hatched dragons are always the hungriest! It'll eat you as soon as he breaths air for the first time!" Wooyoung shouted

"He won't behead me if he doesn't know, and yes I'm serious" Jongho replied.

"I know you want to see the dragon as well, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity!" Jongho insisted

"Excuse my rudeness, but if you are going, you will be going along" Yeosang said taking Wooyoung hand and walking away.

"I do apologize Jongho, but you will have to go alone" San said running to his dog.

Jongho sighed and called for his horse, climbing on the trusty steed and heading off.

Traveling up the mountain was difficult. Not impossible but difficult. The mountain reeked of death. But he powered through either way. Reaching the top was a nest of gold and jewels, and a red golden egg. Covered in 300 years of dust. Jongho jumped off his horse, walking closer, the egg was very large. Taller than he was. He wiped some of the dust.

"Hey Mr. Baby dragon," Jongho chuckled pulling out a card from his pocket.

"I uh...made this when I was 6. I told my papa I was going to become your friend, but now that I'm here is seems a little surreal" Jongho laughed reminiscing.

"I heard the story many times, I don't agree with my people, I feel that your father and you were mistreated. You nor your father ever did any wrong."

A loud cracking noise was heard. Jongho's head whipped around looking at the entrance of the mountain. A few more cracks were heard and suddenly a weight was pushed onto Jongho's body.

"Ugh! What!" Jongho gasped. A teenage boy with red eyes and canines smiled at him. "Wh-who are you?" Jongho asked surprised.

"Your people murdered my father" the boy said. "Yet you do not smell like them. You speak different, and you touched my egg if you care." The boy reached for the card, taking it "You said you made this for me when you were a hatchling?"

"You're the dragon!?" Jongho asked excited. Getting up off the ground, then reaching his hand out to help the boy up as well.

"Yes, I am, now who are you?"

"I am Choi Jongho prince of pirates heir of Utopia!" Jongho said bowing

"I see, I am Yunho" the boy said. "At least that's the only way you humans can pronounce it"

"Ah I see, it's soon to be sunset, if you would like you could join me and share my home," Jongho said.

"I would enjoy that," Yunho said following Jongho.

Jongho climbed on his horse. Reaching out to Yunho helping the other climb on as well.

Yunho wrapped his arms around the prince. Resting his head on the prince's shoulder, his breath hitting the back of Jongho's neck. Jongho blushed tapping his horse's side with his foot and snapping the reigns telling the horse to move. The horse trotted down the mountain, once on steady ground Jongho snapped the reigns and nudged his foot against the horse's side again, the pass escalating to a gallop.

"So where is it that you live?" Yunho asked.

"That is where I live" Jongho replied pointing to the large castle upon the hill.

"That's..." Yunho paused.

"Stupidly extravagant?" Jongho said guessing the end of the dragon's statement.

"Amazing" Yunho finished. They traveled through the village, the town, and finally entered the gates of the castle.

A guard helped the two off the horse while another removed the saddle and took the horse to the stables.

"Sire may I ask who your company is?" The guard questioned.

"This is Yunho, he will be staying with us for a bit. Tell Seonghwa that Yunho is allowed to enter my chambers." Jongho said, taking the dragon's hand and walking through the castle.

"Jongho where have you been! You missed dinner! You father has been so upset! Seonghwa has been searching for you since noon" A small redheaded male shouted.

"Hongjoong, I'm sorry I was caught up with personal matters." Jongho stated trying to calm down the situation.

"You are the prince none of your matters are personal. Now I will ring the maids to start your bath and prepare your night robes- who is this?" Hongjoong questioned pointing at Yunho.

"This is my guest Yunho. The personal matters I was referring to. Please prepare a bath for him as well, along with one of my night robes for him to sleep in." Jongho replied.

"We have no guest room prepared!" Hongjoong sighed

"Then direct him to my chambers after he is finished bathing. He can stay in my chambers until a room is prepared for his stay," Jongho replied.

"But-" Hongjoong tried to protest.

"I hope you will make sure my guest is treated with the utmost care and respect." Jongho sighed turning to the quiet dragon. "If Hongjoong upsets you let me know I'll talk to him, although I doubt he would do that" Yunho stared at the prince walking away, his dragon instincts making him want to follow the prince.

"Alright Yunho lets get you to your bath," Hongjoong said motioning for the dragon to follow.

"Why am I unable to bathe with Jongho?" Yunho asked.

"I...he's the prince! None of us are to see or touch his body, only his personal servants are even allowed to prepare his bath and help him bathe. Even then they are not to directly look at him!" Hongjoong ranted.

"So?" Yunho asked

"You will not be able to view the prince's nude body unless he permits and requests you to do so, which I doubt will ever happen." Hongjoong stated quickly.

"I see," Yunho said.

"Let's get you bathed, before midnight rolls around." Hongjoong smiled while walking towards he bathroom, Yunho following close behind.

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