Yes Father

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After the argument with Mingi, all Yunho wanted was the Prince's company. Knocking on the Prince's chamber doors, Yunho waited for entry. He wore his night robe hoping to be able to sleep with the prince, like they did on the first night. Jongho opened the door quite surprised to see Yunho.

"Yunho? Is everything all right?" Jongho asked

"I don't mean to bother you, but may I just sleep here with you tonight? I just need someone to be there for me. Yunho said, his face looking as if he were a kicked puppy.

"Of course, I was missing your company so it's a win-win situation," Jongho said stepping aside to let the dragon inside his room.

"Thank you," Yunho said getting underneath the covers, letting the prince cuddle up to him.

"For a dragon, you're super warm," Jongho said smiling. "Yunho, I really enjoy your company...wait no..." Jongho paused.

"No? No, what?" Yunho asked confused.

"I really ... I really like you," Jongho mumbled. A faint blush on his face.

"Well it seems that I feel the same way, about you" Yunho smiled at the blushing prince.

"D-do you think this has something to do with the curse?" Jongho asked.

"Possibly, but even if it is, I don't think it's such a bad thing. I get to be around someone as great and wonderful as you and that's good enough for me." Yunho said snuggling up to the prince.

They looked each other in the eyes, smiling softly as their faces inched closer, and met with a sweet kiss shared between the two, but unbeknownst to them the curse had begun. Sleeping soundly while cuddled up, the two were unaware to the threats that surrounded them.

An obnoxious knocking on the door awoke the lovebirds from their slumber.

"Prince Jongho its urgent! The king requires your presence in his study right away!" Hongjoong called. Jongho jumped up out of bed, startling Yunho.

"Jongie what's going on?" Yunho mumbled groggily. Jongho's heart fluttered at the name.

"I have no idea baby, go back to sleep," Jongho said the pet name slipping from his tongue before he realized what he said. Yunho nodded snuggling back up in the blankets. Jongho grabbed a large over coat to hide his night robe and rushed to his father's study.

"Papa?" Jongho asked entering the room.

"Jongho it has come to my attention that you are coming of age, so I have set up an arranged marriage-" King Seokjin was cut off by an enraged son.

"Papa! You can't do that!" Jongho whined.

"I can and I will, you will be married to Mingi. I know he will treat you right," but again he was cut off.

"What about Yunho!" Jongho asked his emotions taking over.

"What about him? He is merely a guest, I have decided. You, will be married to Mingi. Mingi, has already accepted it, so why don't you?" Seokjin asked with anger getting the better of him.

"I don't love Mingi! I don't want to marry him! You can't make me!"

"Jongho! You will do as I say! I don't give a flying fuck whether or not you love Mingi! So, shut your goddamn mouth! You will be walking down that isle, you will become his wife, and if he so desires it you will spread your goddamn legs for him! Do you fucking understand me!?" Seokjin yelled. Fat tears ran down Jongho's face. Causing his heart to ache. Seokjin looked at the state of his precious son regretting ever saying such words, but it had to be done, right? Jongho turned around running out of the study and back into his room, awaking Yunho.

"Wh- Jongho! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Yunho said worried for the prince.

"I-I hav-have to marry-y Min-Mingi" Jongho sobbed, collapsing in the elder's arms

"Oh Jongho..." Yunho said rubbing the crying boy's back.

"I-I d-don't wanna marry Ming-gi" Jongho balled.

"I know, I know you don't," Yunho said. "Hey look at me," he lifted the Prince's face so their eyes met "We'll figure this out, okay? You don't have to marry Mingi if you don't want to. I'll fix this okay? I'm your knight in shining armor after all." Yunho said giving Jongho a kiss on the forehead. "Let's go lay down, we'll stay here all day if you'd like alright, I won't let anyone hurt you," Yunho whispered slowly lulling the prince into a peaceful slumber. Yunho laid there as Jongho slept cuddled up to the dragon. Rage filled Yunho's every being, who dares to make his prince cry.

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