The Dragon Slayer

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Yunho laid his head on Jongho's lap, staring up to the sky. Jongho smiled down to the dragon, playing with his hair.

"How come you're a dragon, but you're so human?" Jongho asked.

"Us dragons all begin as humans, but something has to push us over the edge to where we are no longer intact with our humanity" he said, "my mother's family was killed, and my father's best friend was attacked for being gay. Due to their anger they unlocked their dragon forms, and laid my egg. They slowly gained their humanity back but then villagers killed my mother. My father lost his humanity again and your ancestors killed him." Yunho explained.

"I'm so sorry Yunho," Jongho said, giving the dragon a kiss on his forehead.

From afar Mingi stood watching the two males converse, smile and share small touches. He glared at the two before turning heading back inside the castle. Turning to a maid he smiled sweetly. "Could you please tell the king I'd like to talk to him?" He asked. The maid nodded smiling, turning to the throne room.

Mingi looked out a window to see Jongho and Yunho both laying on the ground, cuddled up looking at the sky

"Jongho is mine you damn reptile," Mingi cursed. He walked to the throne room, seething with anger. "Your majesty, if you want that dragon gone, I'm going to need your help," Mingi hissed. The king looked up from his book, glaring at Mingi for bothering him.

"And what in the world would that be?" Seokjin asked in curiosity.

"Let Jongho know about the engagement, it is required for my plan to work. I mean you don't have to, but if you really want this dragon gone, I'd put some effort in if I were you." Mingi explained running a hand through his hair. The king sighed standing up from his throne, he took a few steps towards Mingi.

"I will do just this, but you better make sure you get rid of him, or I will kill you" king Seokjin hissed, "I want nothing more than that dragon to be gone." Suddenly the king was tackled by a large dog, causing Mingi to scream

"Shiber! No! Don't do that! I said find Jongho! Not his dad!" San yelled. Shiber retreated from licking the kings face, and returned to his owner. "Deepest apologies your majesty, I didn't know this would happen," San said sadly.

"No, it's not a problem," Seokjin replied. "Mingi, take these two to Jongho I think it would cause a bit less of damage." Mingi nodded, motioning for San and Shiber to follow.

"Who are you? Never seen you before." San asked

"I'm Mingi, Jongho's best frien-"

"No! You're not his best friend! I am! He said so himself! You're a big fat liar!" San said smacking Mingi's arm. Mingi opened his mouth to speak again, but San retaliated by covering his own ears. "I'm not listening to your nonsense!" Mingi sighed.

"Am I the only normal person here?" Stepping outside he saw Jongho standing on his tippy toes, to reach an apple on a tree.

"Got it!" He shouted in victory. Looking back, he saw San and Mingi "Hey! Come over here! Yunho can do something really cool!" Jongho yelled to them San and Shiber rushed over where as Mingi took his time getting over to the group of friends.

"Ok, ok, watch this," Jongho said, he handed the apple to Yunho.

"Is he gonna unhinge his jaw like a snake and eat it?" Mingi asked.

"No, I'm going to do this" Yunho replied snapping the apple in half perfectly. San gasped and Mingi scooted back.

'How the hell am I supposed to get rid of a guy who can split apples in half with just his bare hands?' Mingi thought.

"Ah! Just in time!" Jongho gasped, Seonghwa had in hold a watermelon "Yunho is super strong! He said he could smash a watermelon with his hand!" Jongho explained, setting the watermelon down, in front of Yunho.

"Jongho, step back a bit, I don't want your clothes getting dirty," Yunho said rolling up his sleeves. Jongho nodded, moving to behind Yunho, looking from over the elder's shoulder. Yunho smashed the watermelon, everyone gasping. He turned around to make sure Jongho's clothes were clean.

"You're my knight in shining- watermelon-y armor!" Jongho said giving the dragon a hug, not regarding his clothes "Oops," Jongho giggled when stepping aside pink liquid in his clothes along with a few seeds.

"Let's go get you a change of clothes your majesty" Seonghwa said, taking the younger's hand, "lord San it is almost evening please return home."

"Of course! See you all soon!" San said running off with Shiber following.

"I apologize for dirtying your clothes-" Yunho began expressing.

"Listen here you ratchet reptile, stay the fuck away from Jongho, actually stay the fuck away from everyone in this castle. Jongho is mine, he will be mine, while you sit there and smash fruit." Mingi hissed pushing Yunho.

"Excuse me?" Yunho snared getting closer to Mingi.

"You fucking heard me, stay away from what isn't yours unless you wanna end up like your stupid fruit," Mingi barked storming off.

"From what I know Jongho isn't an object you retarded piece of shit, you're just a childhood friend, nothing to him. If anyone should leave its you" Yunho cursed at Mingi. Mingi turned around staring at the dragon his eyes burning with rage. But Yunho's were filled with actual fire.

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