The Dragon's Wrath

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After learning about everything that went down with Mingi and Seokjin. Yunho was more than pissed. He hated that these two men that claimed to love and care for the prince had made him cry many times! Yunho walked to the throne room, with the soul purpose confronting the jerk who called himself king. Entering the room, there stood Mingi next to the king's throne. The two having a conversation.

"Your majesty, Mingi," Yunho hissed. The two looked at the dragon.

"What are you doing here?" Seokjin asked, his voice filled with hatred.

"The real question is, what are you doing, making your son cry. What kind of a fucking father are you?" Yunho asked walking closer. Two guards walked up to the dragon trying to stop the male. Yunho grabs their hands, squeezing them. The guards screamed as their hands were crushed. "Your beautiful son, cried too much for me to just stay silent. I am his knight, his dragon, and I will be damned if someone is going to make him cry more than once," Yunho hissed walking past all the guards.

"Don't let him touch the king!" Mingi ordered only to have a hand around his throat.

"I think you've said enough. Calling Jongho a slut, how dare you even look upon his beautiful face. You tainted his name, his lips. Your touch made my beautiful prince fearful. You're a fucking disgrace." Yunho hissed throwing the tall male down. Mingi gasped for air his red face becoming pale.

Two horns appeared atop of the dragon's head. While large canines decorating his scowl. "And the worst of them all is you. King, Kim Seokjin. You hurt your son so much you don't even deserve to be associated with him. You forced him into that trash's arms. Let him call your son such names! Let him harm your son, and you just sat there and watched." Yunho hissed. "But I'm nice, so I'll give you a head start..." Yunho said with a smile. He walked up to the throne and pushed the king off of it. "It's always fun to chase your prey," The king looked at the dragon fearfully. "Run," Yunho said, stepping closer the king. The king got up of the ground scrambling to escape the dragon. Fear making his legs weak. His weight collapsing onto the ground. Yunho stoop over the king. "You're so fucking pathetic," Yunho chuckled. "You have nothing to live for, so please, leave. Leave and never fucking come back. If I ever see a strand of your hair I will hunt you down and crush your skull bare hands." Yunho hissed. With Yunho promise of death the king ran. Faster than he ever ran before. Mingi stayed in his spot.

"Jongho will decide your punishment," Yunho hissed leaving. Mingi bowed down.

"Thank you for your mercy!" Mingi exclaimed with his face on the ground.

"Don't fucking thank me, thank Jongho, he said not to hurt you cause you're his friend." Mingi let out all his fear and anxiety in the form of tears. Yunho's horns and canines soon retreated. He entered Jongho's room, the prince still sleeping. "Baby, wake up," Yunho said, gently shaking the prince.

"Mm?" Jongho hummed his hair sticking up in different places.

"Ahh, you're so cute!" Yunho said pinching the younger's cheeks. Jongho pulled Yunho in for a hug, resting his head in the crook of the dragon's neck.

"I just wanna cuddle," Jongho mumbled, kissing Yunho's neck.

"Baby that's more than cuddling. Let's go bathe you real, quick then we can do whatever you'd like to do." Yunho said trying to compromise. Jongho whined but never the less went to take a bath Yunho smiled at his lover, the cute brown hair boy sitting in his bubble bath playing with the foamy soap.

"Yunho, look I'm Santa," Jongho laughed showing the dragon his soap covered chin.

"Yeah but you're a cute Santa! A skinny one too." Yunho stated sweetly.

"I guess I'll just have to eat a bunch of cookies then!" Jongho sighed. Yunho laughed grabbing a towel, preparing to dry the younger. Jongho stepped out of the bath letting Yunho dry his soapy body. As soon as the prince was dressed the two went to cuddle, this time in the youngers study. A room full of his princely books and paperwork. School work for his princely curriculum was scattered across the table. Jongho sat in the dragon's lap, loving the warmth that poured off his lover's body.

"Baby, you're going to be king soon," Yunho said.

"What? Why?" Jongho asked.

"I told your father to get gone because he hurt you so much, I will let you decide Mingi's fate." Yunho explained.

"Oh, so it's just me and you?" Jongho asked.

"More or less, yeah." Yunho smiled.

"I mean I ain't complaining, I love having you by my side," Jongho hummed, snuggling closer to the elder.

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