Sweet Kisses

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Waking up in the arms of Yunho, sent Jongho in a peaceful mindset. Keeping his thoughts away from the arranged marriage. Snuggling deeper into the warmth of the dragon caused Jongho to smile. Yunho stirred in his sleep, his arms tightening around the prince. Jongho poked the elder's face, waking him.

"Mmm...good morning..." Yunho yawned. Jongho sat up straddling the elder showering Yunho's face with small kisses.

"Baby" Yunho whined, trying to cover his face.

"Let me kiss you!" Jongho whined pouting, jumping a tad in his minor tantrum.

"Ba-baby don't jump on me like that," Yunho said his breath hitching. Jongho nodded climbing off the dragon.

"Jongho, your fiancé-" Seonghwa said entering the room.

"No! He's not my fiancé!" Jongho screamed.

"I...umm...I see. Well Mingi asked to see you, and doesn't he have a room?" Seonghwa asked pointing to Yunho.

"We share a room now" Jongho snapped back, his good day already soured.

"I see, its best you get dressed quickly then," Seonghwa said setting down a bit of clothes. "Mingi said that as of today we can no longer help you get dressed, he said you are his property and no one will be able to see your body except for him." Jongho gritted his teeth.

"What the fuck," Yunho hissed.

"I'll go talk to him, Yunho please help me get dressed-"

"But Mingi said-" Seonghwa tried to speak, but Jongho cut him off.

"I know what he said! He doesn't control me or my life! Now leave if you're just going to stand there!" Jongho ordered. Seonghwa nodded leaving the room.

Yunho stood up and untying the Prince's robes, taking in the wonderful sight that was the Prince's body. His member already hardening at the sight of his love's perky nipples and pretty cock.

"Let's get you dressed, shall we?" Yunho said licking his lips. Taking the pair of black boxers', he lowered himself to the ground and sliding the fabric up, tucking Jongho's privates away from the world. Next taking the silk button up he covered Jongho's chest and pretty pink buds. The pants came next, and just for fun Yunho squeezed the Prince's buttocks. A soft gasp came from Jongho's mouth, he smacked Yunho's arm, causing the elder to release the Prince's butt cheeks.

"Come on now, I have to go get things settled, we can't start fooling around right now, we'll get caught," Jongho ushered the dragon. Taking no time Yunho finished dressing the prince, giving him a quick kiss.

"Be back soon, I don't want to be apart from you for long," Yunho whispered. Jongho smiled at him and nodded, walking out of his bedroom and towards the garden. Walking down the flower path towards a sharply dressed Mingi.

"What is so important you had to wake me from my sleep?" Jongho asked, already annoyed.

"Isn't it great? We're getting married-"

"No, we're not! I did not consent to this." Jongho interrupted.

"We're getting married. I don't care if you fucking consent or not. You are my fiancé, my bitch, and you will be my wife." Mingi hissed walking towards Jongho, grasping his chin harshly "You better realize this quick Jongho. You are nothing without me. Without me you are worthless. You won't even be a decent king without my guidance-"

"You're wrong!" Jongho screamed, tears forming in his eyes. He pushed Mingi away only escaping Mingi's grasp for a mere second before Mingi grabbed Jongho's wrist, and pulled him back stopping the prince's attempt at running.

"Where do you think you are going? Back to that disgusting beast. You're such a fucking slut, I bet you suck his cock every morning, huh? I'm right aren't I?"

"No, I'm not a slut!" Jongho screamed trying to fight back. Mingi slapped him across his face, Hard.

"Shut up!" Mingi yelled, grabbing the prince's face once again forcing him to look Mingi in the eyes "You are nothing apart from me, go ahead run to your disgusting reptile, but remember. You are still nothing. You will never be anything without me, and when you finally realize that I am better in every way than that dragon, maybe I'll accept you with open arms. " Mingi hissed, smiling as he forced a kiss onto Jongho's lips. Parting from the crying boy Mingi smiled. "See you at the altar darling," Mingi said walking away from the boy.

Finally, away from Mingi, Jongho balled his eyes out, wanting to puke from the kiss he was forced to share with his supposed friend. His heart ached, his head hurt and last but not least a large pit in his stomach. He slowly walked back to his room. Too exhausted to rush back to safety, but also too sad to be alone.

Jongho entering the room with a tear stained face was enough to trigger all the red flags Yunho had.

"Baby, what did he-"

"A-am I a slut?" Jongho asked his voice hoarse.

"What!? No! Of course not!" Yunho said already panicked from the prince's change in demeanor.

"He s-said I was a-a slut, a-and that I-I'm not-nothing without him." The prince wailed collapsing to his knees. Yunho rushed over to the crying prince to console the poor boy.

"Baby, none of that is true-"

"He made me k-kiss him! I didn't w-want to! I don't want to kiss anyone b-but you!" Jongho wailed capturing Yunho in a desperate hug.

"Baby, it's ok I'm here now, from now on I'll go with you alright. I'll make sure he never does that again." Yunho sweetly whispered. Jongho slowly stopped crying, but refused to let go of the elder.

"I'm your baby not his," Jongho mumbled.

"That's right, my baby nobody else's" Yunho agreed. Rubbing the prince's back.

"Jongho, its lunch time-"

"No! I'm not leaving this room!" Jongho shouted.

"Of course, sir I will bring your meals here, would you like the same with dinner and desert?" Seonghwa asked.

"Yes please, also Seonghwa..." Jongho said.

"Yes, your majesty?"

"I know Mingi doesn't want it, but can you bathe me tonight, if not can you just prepare my bath water?"

"Anything for you sir, you're more important than some lousy wanna be royal." Seonghwa said.

"C-can Yunho join my bath?" Jongho stated with an almost begging tone to his voice.

"Jongho you don't-" Yunho began to speak but was quickly stopped by Seonghwa.

"If that's what you want." Seonghwa sighed. "I'll be back with your meals." Jongho looked up and smiled at Yunho.

"Give me my kisses! I require them to live" Jongho ordered

"Of course, your majesty!" Yunho said in a fancy voice, cupping Jongho's face gently and showering the boy with kisses.

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