Day 7: The Date (Pt. 1)

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The hybrid quietly tip-toed in the kitchen, making sure to make as less noise as possible.

His sir had came home late at night, stomach already full and had gone straight to sleep.

Must have been a nice date, he thought with a bitter taste in his mouth.

If you would ask Jin why he sounded bothered, he would say he's a little sad about all the frozen food. But his eyes would show the sadness he felt on eating dinner alone and his clenched fists will tell you how jealous he feels.

He shouldn't be either of those things. He has eaten alone many times and Jungkook has been a jerk to him once, given him a wound which still hurt.

"Whatever, I'm stupid", he breathed out, mind confused.

"Why would you say that?"

Seokjin jumped at the voice, his tail wrapping around his waist. Jungkook was pleasantly reminded of their first meeting.

"What... What are you doing here?" He blinked a few times, trying to calm his racing heart.

Jungkook chuckled, moving past him. He grabbed a small cup.

"This is my house?" He cocked a brow, amused.

"Yes but... It's 7am... On a Sunday..."

"Yeah, I actually had something important to do, that's why I woke up early", he said, light blush on his cheeks.

"Oh. I'll then quickly heat up the food for you. What's the important thing, may I ask?"


Seokjin stopped in his place, hand floating in air as it reached for the fridge.

"I mean, I wanted to talk to you", he cleared his throat. Somewhere, Eunhee must be screaming in frustration at the missed opportunity at flirting but Jeon Jungkook was just a panicked gay okay? Give him some time.

"Um... Okay, but why so early?" Seokjin questioned as his ears turned red. Jungkook tried his best to not smile.

"Because Euphoria gets filled pretty quickly, especially on a Sunday. And I wanted to clear some things out before having breakfast."

"Wait... Euphoria? And, breakfast?" Seokjin's forehead creased.

"Euphoria is a cute little cafe. It's been a week since you came here, I thought we should celebrate by spending some time out. I can show you the city and other beautiful things", Jungkook explained, his voice a little soft, a little unsure.

Seokjin looked down, thinking over the words.

Why? Why is he doing this?

"I don't understand", he finally questioned, looking up at Jungkook with confusion and... fear, "Why... Why would you want to celebrate this one week? I'm your servant, not your friend, why this special treatment?"

His words started soft but turned a little louder, a little emotional. He remembered the words Jungkook had said to him, how he has treated him. He cannot contain his anger.

"I'm below you, I'm just a stupid hybrid for you, then why are you doing this? Is it a plan to make fun of me? Or is it some kind of favour? Or pity for a naive cat like me?"

Jungkook opened his mouth to answer but words seemed to have left him the moment he saw tears in Jin's eyes. As bad as he felt, he was glad that the cat was atleast voicing his complaints.

"I have no excuse for my behavior, and I will apologise forever because I truly feel bad", Jungkook started, voice surprisingly calm, "I... I know that you haven't been out much, wasn't allowed to roam the city. That's why I want to give you the freedom, the opportunity to do things and experience moments that you missed out on."

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