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Shakes and ladders

They sat next to each other on the round wooden stools, staring into each other's (both) hazel-brown eyes and grinning like fools. She pulled a strand of her hair that had failed to be in her ponytail and tucked it behind her ear, blushing. Just watching her doing something as simple as brushing hair out of her face made him flutter inside. "So, i guess it's official then?" Ozzy half asked, trying to meet her eyes that had fallen down onto the table. His fingers did a little light tap solo on the table waiting for her reply. Finally, Winnie looked back up at him and shrugged. "i guess." she said, still smiling widely. They went back to doing nothing but smirking, giving each other small glances across the ruler length gap. Soon his tapping hand had danced it's way over to hers, and his fingers connected to hers fitting perfectly like a jigsaw puzzle. Once he felt her allow his hand to touch hers, he squeezed it a bit tighter. making her smile grow bigger.
She was going out with the Ozzy Lombardi. She had been waiting for this to happen for what felt like her whole life, and now that it actually was it felt so surreal. She'd crushed on him since they were in j-troupe together.
She was going out with THE Ozzy Lombardi. Could she handle it? Could she live up to his high expectations, as she knew he had because of his long term crush on Richelle? Was he even fully over Richelle? Surely you can't get over someone that fast. What if he was a player? Winnie over worked her mind with all the possibilities that could be, until she broke. "Umm, i should- i should go. b-troupe rehearsals start in a few minutes" She stalled, rushing to pick her dance bag off the floor and put her drink in her hand. "yeah, yeah of course" He said, standing up with her, shocked by her sudden reaction. "see you later?" she questioned. He nodded and waved slightly as she turned around and made her way out the double doors.
Ozzy sighed as he sat back down. Had he moved too fast? Was something wrong? He decided already that he was trash at this whole boyfriend thing. Maybe Kingston would have some insight. He made a mental note to find and talk to him later. Before he could even take another sip of his smoothie, he heard his phone vibrate from his pocket. He took it out, wondering who would be needing him, but was confused when he saw it was an unknown number. He brushed it off and opened the message anyways.

new couple ALERT 🚨! what a match made in heaven. i'm sure you two will have the best times of your lifes, but let me hold my breath. i wouldn't want to speak too soon.

He re-read the text message over again a few times, just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. When he realised this was real, he looked around the room frantically. Everyone was either talking, or drinking their shakes. Ozzy looked back down and read the message one more time before deciding to treat it as a joke. a prank from one of his friends even. He chose to ignore the fact that they wouldn't have known about Ozzy and Winnie becoming a couple as they had only just become one.

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