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Ozzy had been tossing and turning all night, thinking off his sister. The police had said they'd keep an eye out for her, and that a search party would be sent out, but Ozzy knew that this was his battle and if someone was going to find his sister, it would have to be him. It was still early in the morning when Ozzy heard the doorbell ring. He rushed downstairs and opened the door hoping it was Izzy. He let out a deep breath when it was Kingston. Kingston let himself in and hugged Ozzy knowing that he must still be in pain. They walked into the sitting room together and sat down opposite each other on the sofas. "I didn't get any sleep at all," Ozzy told him, wiping his eyes, tiredly. "I wouldn't have either," Kingston replied, with his hands in fists on his knees, "you can go and get some sleep if you want and-".
"No!" Ozzy almost shouted. "Sorry, i mean, i just really want to find Izzy right now and get this all over with," he said, sighing and lowing his tone. Kingston looked taken aback at first but then nodded. "We should get going to his house then," He suggested. Ozzy nodded and stood up to get his stuff and leave his mum a note before they left the house.
While walking down the street Ozzy felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took it out, dreading the thought of another anonymous text, but was relieved to see it was Winnie calling him. He answered the call and smiled when he instantly heard Winnie's voice. "Oz, I heard about your sister, are you ok? Do you need me to come over?" She asked, with a rushed tone. Ozzy smiled even wider at how worried she was for him. "Winnie, i'm fine. I'm with Kingston right now, i'm going to get it sorted." He told her, looking at Kingston walking beside him. "Get it sorted? Ozzy what are you doing-"
"Winnie, i promise you i'm fine. I'll come and see you later" Ozzy told his panicked girlfriend, trying to reassure her. He heard her sigh over the phone. "Alright, i'll see you later" She told him.
"Yeah, I lov-, bye" He said, quickly hanging up. Kingston looked at him grinning. "Shut up!" Ozzy told him. Kingston put his hands up, "i didn't say anything!" He told him, still grinning. Ozzy had almost told Winnie that he loved her. What would she think if he did? Would she think he was moving too fast? That he was obsessed? That he was clingy? His thoughts were cut short when he realised they were at Noah's door. Kingston knocked three times and not long later a shirtless Noah opened the door, sweating.
"Bro, it's so early! How could you be up exercising?" Kingston asked shocked. Noah smiled at him. "How could i not? I do this every day" He replied, panting. Kingston just shook his head. "So, what's up anyways?" Noah asked. "Can we come in?" Ozzy asked. Noah raised his eyebrow at them but then nodded and opened the door. They all went into the sitting room and sat down on the sofas. Noah leaned forward waiting for them to talk.
"So, I don't know how fast word spreads, but you might know that my sister's gone missing" Ozzy started. Noah looked down and nodded. "Yeah, i'm sorry about that" he said. Ozzy looked at Kingston, and he nodded as a sign to continue. "I was just wondering if you knew anything about it? Where she might be?" Ozzy continued. Noah looked confused. "Me? Why would i know anything?" He asked. Ozzy looked at Kingston again. "Should i tell him?" he muttered. Kingston shrugged. "He could help us,"
"Tell me what?" Noah asked, even more confused. Ozzy sighed before starting. "Someone is sending me text messages, threatening me and Winnie. I also think they might be the same person that has my sister,". Noah looked purely shocked. "Wait, first, you and Winnie? as in together?" Noah asked. Ozzy nodded. "I know we had some tension between us because of that, which is why we kind of suspected you," He told Noah. "You thought i kidnapped your sister? Over Winnie? Ozzy you know i'm over that right? Me and Jacquie got back together and i've never been happier," Noah replied, getting up go to the other side of the room and get something from his table. "speaking of Jacquie, I'm heading over there later. You should come so we can continue talking about this. I'll do whatever i can to help," He told them. Kingston and Ozzy looked at each other before looking back at Noah and nodding. "We'll be back later then" Kingston told him as they both got up and left the house.
A few hours later, Ozzy and Kingston had come back to Noah's house. Ready to talk things over. Before they could even knock on the door, Noah walked out with his car keys in his hand. "ready?" he asked them, leading them to his car. Kingston and Ozzy both sat in the backseat. The ride was quite quiet, until Noah started asking questions.
"So, when did these texts start?" Noah asked, turning the mirror to face them in the back. "A few days ago, right after me and Winnie became official," Ozzy replied. Noah nodded, not continuing the topic. "You and Winnie are cute," Noah told him. Ozzy smiled, "thanks". Ozzy held another vibration in his pocket and took out his phone to see Winnie's name on the called ID. "Hey, Win," Ozzy said as soon as he picked up. "Hey, Oz. Your still coming over right?" She asked. Ozzy had forgotten he said that, "err, i don't know if i'll be able to come today. I'm sorry" He told her. "Still 'getting it sorted?'" She asked. Ozzy nodded before realising she couldn't see him and then replied with a 'yeah'. He heard her sigh, "Ozzy, please be safe, whatever your doing," She told him, clearly worried. "Don't worry, I will Winnie." He told her. Just before they were about to hang up Winnie added in, "And Ozzy? I love you too". Ozzy felt himself smile as he hung up the phone.
Soon they had reached Jacquie's house and pulled into the driveway. They all got out of the car and Noah knocked on Jacquie's door. Davis, Jacquie's older sister, opened the door and smiled when she saw the three boys. She moved to the side to let them in after greeting them and telling them that Jacquie was in the sitting room.
Jacquie was sitting back on the sofa with her legs up, watching TV. Noah went to hug and kiss her while Ozzy and Kingston just waved.
"So guys," Noah started, "What do you need me to do? I'm here for you,".
"Do for what?" Jacquie asked confused. Noah shook his head at her, "it's fine babe, don't worry" he told her.
"Well-" Ozzy started, before getting interrupted by the front door getting slammed open and closed. A tall muscular figure with a black hoodie on was standing at the entrance to the room.
"Hey Jacquie, i was just gonna-" He started, before seeing Ozzy and Kingston. "Oh, visitors". Ozzy's eyes widened as he looked at Kingston who was now mirroring his expression. "anyways, i was just going to stay and get something to eat maybe and then i'm heading back out again," The tall boy continued. "Yeah, ok, whatever," Jacquie replied, not even facing him and waving her hand. The boy rolled his eyes before leaving the room. Kingston and Ozzy were both still in shock.
"Noah can we talk to you? In private?" Ozzy asked. Noah nodded and followed them into the next room. "Who was that?" Ozzy asked again. Noah pointed towards the kitchen. "Who? Zac? That's Jacquie's older brother. He dances at Encore." Noah replied. "Zac is also the exact same person we saw yesterday while looking for Izzy!" Kingston angrily whispered. Noah shrugged, "What does that mean?". "I'm pretty sure he's got my sister" Ozzy told him. Noah frowned, "Are you sure? I mean, i don't think he does" He told them. Kingston shook his head "I'm certain he does," He said to Noah. "We need to follow him when he leaves," Noah rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm not so sure about that," He told them, "and plus why would Zac have your sister if you don't even know him?"
"For Jacquie." Ozzy replied.

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