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Ozzy's house

Ozzy had raced home after his mum had told him his little sister was missing. Kingston followed close behind. When Ozzy opened the front door the house was oddly silent. he called out to his mum, who replied she was in the kitchen. The boys walked into the kitchen to find Miss Lombardi sat at the table, her hands fisted together and held to her forehead. She looked up at her son and his friend when they entered the room. "I thought you'd want to check your room before the police did." She told Ozzy. After standing there facing her for a few seconds he turned to go upstairs, jumping 2 stairs at a time. Kingston again following behind him.
When he opened his bedroom door he gasped. Everything had been thrown around and some things destroyed. He turned and went down the hallway to Izzys room, which was perfectly in order. Ozzy looked back down the hallway at Kingston confused. He then walked back down the corridor and decided to search his room. He walked over to his bed, picking up objects that had fell along the way. He looked around and his eyes fell on his drawers. His jaw dropped open and Kingston, who had now noticed Ozzy's reaction, had looked at his drawer as well. "No," Ozzy started muttering to himself, "No, no, no, no" he said, louder each time, as he fell on his knees and started searching his bottom drawer frantically. "What is it? What did they take?" Kingston asked, looking down at Ozzy. When Ozzy didn't feel a round, small, metal object in the drawer, he sunk lower to the ground and leaned against the corner of his bed. Kingston came and stood next to the defeated boy. "They've got my sister, they've got my grandmother's ring, they're going to get Winnie next. I just want this madness to stop!" Ozzy cried. Kingston sat on his bed and patted the space next to him, in which Ozzy got up and sat in. "Listen, bro, we'll get Izzy, and your ring back." Kingston said, flinging his arm around Ozzy's shoulder. "You just need to think of our next suspect" He encouraged. Ozzy looked down at his knees. "I don't know, Kingston. I don't know" Ozzy said, standing up again. "and i don't care anymore either" He told Kingston, storming out of the room.
After Kingston had caught up with Ozzy, they started walking around the area together. Ozzy was still angry and trying to process everything so he wasn't speaking, and neither was Kingston to give him space. Soon they reached near the studio and Shakes and ladders. Ozzy still had his head down thinking until kingston stopped him by patting his chest. "Wha-" Ozzy started to say before he looked up and saw what Kingston was looking at.
At the door of Shakes and ladders, there was a male figure standing outside. He wore a black hoodie and black tracksuit bottoms so he was hard to spot in the dark. He was carefully peering through the shop door as if he was watching someone. Something clicked in Kingstons mind and he didn't hesitate to rush across the road and grab the boys arm, spinning him around and then pinning him against the wall next to the door. Ozzy was soon running after Kingston. "Where is she? Where's Izzy?" Kingston asked, still holding the boy. "Let me go, BD." he told him. Kingston looked confused and let him go slightly. The boy pulled off his hood.
Ozzy and Kingston gasped at the same time, "Elliott?"

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