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studio one

Ozzy and kingston decided their first move would be to see if Winnie had gotten the text too. They casually strolled into Studio one, where b-troupe rehearsals were being held, and stood on the side while b-troupe finished their run-through. Respectfully, they both clapped and cheered at the end. Winnie was especially pleased to see her new boyfriend clapping for her. Heathcliff looked at Ozzy in disgust and Ozzy returned the look. "Oswald." He said blankly, approaching his long term nemesis. "Heathcliff." Ozzy said in the same tone, standing his ground. "This is a closed rehearsal, so if you don't mind?" Heathcliff said, gesturing with both his hands to the door. "Don't worry, Heathcliff, i'm not here for you" Ozzy replied. Winnie took this as her cue to come between Heathcliff and Ozzy. She smiled widely at the sight of him, and Ozzy returned the smile. After Heathcliff returned to the rest of the troupe with a huff, Ozzy started. "Hey Winnie, i was wondering if you had gotten any weird texts in the past 10 minutes or so since you left?" Winnie looked puzzled, and then shook her head. "I... don't think so. but i haven't checked my phone since i got here so maybe?". Ozzy nodded and then asked if she could check now. She nodded back and they both followed her to her bag, where she checked her phone.
Kingston peered over her shoulder with a magnifying glass he had taken out of his pocket and held it over her. "Aww, that's cute. your already each other's home-screens" Kingston muttered. "What?" Ozzy asked, genuinely not hearing him. "What?" Winnie copied, trying not to blush after being found out. "Put the magnifying glass down, Kingston!" Ozzy said, snatching it out of his hand. "Hey! I was getting my James bond on." Kingston complained. "Wrong movie, your thinking of Sherlock Holmes" Ozzy replied, crossing his arms with the magnifying glass still in his hand. "Your such a nerd" Heathcliff said, overhearing them after passing to get to his bag. "I'm not a nerd, i'm a geek. there's a difference!" Ozzy exclaimed, scowling at Heathcliff.
"Nope, no texts here" Winnie said, looking up at them both. Ozzy looked at Kingston who just shrugged his shoulders. They felt like they were at a dead end already.

Studio A

Kingston and Ozzy had gone to sit in Studio A to sort out their thoughts. "So what do we know right now?" Kingston asked Ozzy while sitting on a bench. "Well, we know that there is a person, that has sent me a text, and doesn't like either me or me and Winnie as a couple, but is only targeting me so they probably don't like me." Ozzy ranted, walking up and down by the bench. "Oh, i know!" Kingston started, jumping up and pointing his finger in the air. "We need a suspects list" Ozzy nodded in agreement. "Now who have you done wrong, that might want to take revenge,
think long and hard Ozzy,"

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