Part 12

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"Light them," Rhaenyra told Theon as the two stood outside the castle walls. No other member of House Stark was willing to watch as she lovingly lit the flayed bodies.

Theon nodded, walking to the skinned corpses and bringing his torch to the hay that laid below. "Our enemies must know what will happen if we are betrayed." He looked toward Rhaenyra, who held Henry close to her chest.

"No, they need to remember what happens when they betray my family." She could smell the burning flesh, the soothing smell made her shoulders drop in ease. "Shall we join the others,'' the ward nodded to her as a small smile danced on his lips. They walked in silence back to the keep, the only noise being the rustle of their cloaks and Henry's gurgles of contentment.

Rhaenyra gripped her child tightly as they finally entered the castle, she ignored the glares of the servants as she and Theon began to ascend the stairs. But she knew they were staring.

"Will you take Henry to Robb?'' she questioned as they walked closer to Bran's room. She needed to see Catelyn, her son would overwhelm her good mother. Theon nodded, awkwardly reaching for the baby.

"He will be in the grand hall with his father and brother if you need him,'' the ward adjusted the heavy furs the baby was in and disappeared to the nearest stairwell. Rhaenyra turned away from the two and proceeded her short walk to Bran's room.

Catelyn remained in her familiar spot, her head placed in her bandaged hands. Rhaenyra sighed and walked to a dresser that was placed against the nearest wall. She found bandages, well-ripped clothing. Catelyn needed to see a maester again or the wounds would become infected.

"Let me see," the woman looked up to her. "I flayed him, for Bran and his little friend he brought for my son.'' Rhaenyra tugged Catelyn's hand and began to peel the dirty rags from them. She noted the skin remained pink and lacked any signs of infections. "I heard our little dire wolf over there slaughtered him. Ripped his vein straight out.'' Her violet eyes glanced at the wolf that laid close to the bed.

Catelyn nodded, "How is Domeric?'' It was the first time she had mentioned her grandson in nearly a month. "After hearing he,'' she paused. "After hearing that woman was going to kill him, I feared the worse.''

"He is well, ignorant of the horror that took place last night." She began to turn the bandage over her good mother's palm. "Robb is, struggling," Rhaenyra noted. Catelyn lightly pulled her hand back at the mention of him. "He did not sleep till dawn, for only an hour."

Catelyn winced as Rhaenyra pulled the other bandage from her opposite hand, it resisted slightly as it was stuck on dried bits of blood. She glared at the younger woman who sat so calmly on the bed.

"He will wake," the violet eyes turned to the sleeping boy on the bed. "I know it, I feel it.''

Catelyn joined Rhaenyra in gazing upon Bran. Her heartbreaking over the state of her child. She gave a shattered breathe before speaking, "Rhaenyra?'' The young girl's eyes brightened.

"Yes?" the excited response came.

"I must share something with you." 

The next morning at the first of sunlight, freezing sunlight,  Rhaenyra was gathered outside in the godswood with her family. The cold was nearly unbearable, icy breathe clouded above the huddle of Starks. Rhaenyra needed to be there, to dictate the wolf's rage. Her hands tightened around Henry, waiting for Catelyn to begin speaking. Next to her stood Robb who held Domeric's hand, the child refused to be held. Their son shifted his feet beside his father and curiously watched his grandmother. He had not seen her in weeks. Theon stood beside the two, trying to get the young Lord's attention by gently pulling his hair. Domeric would try to slap his fingers away.

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