Pika Pika

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Shinsou POV

"Kaminari!" I call to him from my room.

"What!?" He asks from next door.

"Come here!" I yell.

"What?!" He asks running into my room.

I hold my hand out "Give me it."

"Give you what?!" He asks.

"My hoodie!" I exclaim.

"No! It's mine now!" He yells holding onto the Pikachu hoodie.

"Give it to me or I'll take it from you myself!" I yell.

"Fine! But just so you know I'm not wearing anything under it!" He says.

I run over to him and yank the hoodie off of him. And he was right, after I took off the hoodie there was nothing but his bare chest.

I immediately burst out in an array of bright reds.

"I told you." Denki says simply.

"Put a shirt on," I say covering my face.

"Well I had one on but you took it off!" He exclaims.

"Here." I say throwing it back to him.

"Thank you." He says putting it back on.

I uncover my face. "How did I look?" Denki asks ascending his sentence with a wink.

I pick up a pillow from my bed and throw it at him. It hits him right in the face. "Owwww," he says rubbing his forehead.

I walk over and kiss his for head. "I'm sorry." I say rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

He kisses me catching me off guard. I kiss him back deepening the kiss.(French kiss)

"I love you." I say smiling.

"Wow I got you to smile!" He says. I chuckle.

"I love you too." Kami says quickly kissing me.

Hey! Sorry this chapter is short! I have a longer chapter in the making. Anyways I gotta go! See you next time!


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