"Because, I love him!!!!"

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Kaminari POV

I wake up to Ophelia pawing at my chest.

"Why's Oph here?" I ask no one in particular.

I go to Shinsou's room to see he's not there. I run downstairs to see he's not there either. "Where's Shinsou?!" I ask.

"He probably went to the store or something," Jirou says nonchalantly.

"It's raining! And he left Ophelia!" I exclaim.

"Ask Aizawa Sensei," Yaomomo suggests.

I go to his and present mics dorm and knock on the door. "Who is it?" I hear a grumpy voice ask.

"Kaminari!" I exclaim.

He opens the door making Ophelia jump out of my arms and into the room. "What do you want?" He says ignoring her.

"Did you give Shinsou permission to go out?" I ask.

"No? Isn't he here? Ophelia is," he asks.

"When I woke up she was in my room, I tried to look for him, but he wasn't anywhere." I explain.

"One moment," he says before closing the door slightly.

"Hizashi, did you give Hitoshi permission to leave?" I hear his voice behind the crack in the door.

"No!" He responds.

Aizawa opens the door back up. "We didn't give him permission, so he snuck out on his own. You can go back to your dorm now, we need to find him." He explains.

"I'm coming with you!" I exclaim.

"No, it's too dangerous, Kaminari." He says.

"I don't care! I'm coming!" I yell.

"You are not coming," he says sternly.

"Yes, I am!" "I say.

"Look, I appreciate you trying to help but-" he starts.

"I'm coming! End of discussion!" I cut him off.

"Why do you want to go so bad?!" He asks.

"Because, I love him!!!!" I yell out in a moment of anger.

He pauses, "you- love him?" He asks, stunned.

"Y-yes," I start crying, feeling overwhelmed.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay," he says.

Ophelia walks out, followed by present mic. "Come here Kaminari," He says making grabby hands.

He hugs me followed by Aizawa. "We need to fond Hitoshi," Present Mic says.

We all text him millions of times but of course, he didn't answer.

"Get your hero costumes on," Aizawa says after a few minutes of him not responding.

I go back to my dorm and get changed before giving Oph to Koda.

We head off patrolling around Musutafu, eventually heading into Tokyo we walk around, not f in midnight Hitoshi anywhere.

I get a message.


[One Video Message]

We watch it.

it's a video from the LOV.

Hey! Sorry for not posting that much! I've been coming out to people at my school so I've had a lot of meetings. I'll try to post more frequently!! Anyways I gotta go see you next time!


Young Love (shinkami)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora