Panic Attack

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Denki POV

I was awakened by shifting in the room over. Shinsou?

I walk over to his room and open the door (he has a key)

I find Shinsou on his bed tossing and turning. He is struggling to breath and his face is stained with tears.

I walk over to him. "Shin? Hunny? Are you okay?" I lightly touch his arm knowing you shouldn't touch people much while they're having panic attacks.

He jumps up screaming "MOM!!!!"

"Hunny, it's okay." I say and kiss his temple.

He starts to breath regularly. "Thank you," he says hugging me.

I hug him back. "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?" I ask.

He nods slightly and I lay down with him and slowly fall asleep.

In the morning I get up early and go to my room to get ready.

I head to class early in order to speak to Aizawa Sensei.

"Yes Kaminari?" He asks.

"Can we get Shinsou a service cat for his anxiety?" I ask fidgeting my fingers.

"Sure, I'll pay for all the supplies can you get the cat?" He asks.

"Yeah! Thank you Sensei!" I exclaim.

"Hey Kaminari?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Has he been having his... nightmares?" He asks pausing for a second.

"Yes. But I'm helping him calm down." I say as the bell rings. I sit down in my seat and scroll through my phone looking for service cats.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" I hear from behind me.

"Nothing!" I say shutting my phone off and turning to Shinsou.

"Okay? Well thank you for helping me," he says referring to his panic attack last night.

"You're welcome. Oh! By the way, I won't be able to hang out after school I have to go somewhere." I say.

"Okay," he says walking back to his seat and pulling out his phone since Aizawa fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

After school I head out with Aizawa to get a cat for Shinsou while he gets supplies such as a litter box, litter, a food bowl, cat food, a scoop for the litter box, and a service animal vest.

I walk around the shop looking for a service cat I think Shinsou would like, when I see a cute rag doll cat.


After I pay for her I head out to see Aizawa standing next to the car on his phone.

"Ready!" I say with the cat in my arms.

After getting in the car, he hands me the vest and I put it on her.

When we arrive back at the school I text Mina to distract Shinsou for me.

I then run up to his dorm and set up the litter box and put food in her bowl.

I text Mina to send him to his room. Once he walks in I surprise him with the small service cat in my arms.

"Thank you babe!" He exclaims grabbing her.

"You're welcome! What do you want to name her?" I ask scratching behind her ear.

"Ophelia, it means 'help'." He says.

"I like that," I say and Ophelia licks Hitoshi's nose.

"I think she likes it too." He says chuckling.

~Time Skip~ The next day

Shinsou POV

I get up and get ready putting Ophelias vest on and putting a leash in my pocket just in case.

"Come on!" I say walking out of the room, Ophelia follows me into the kitchen jumps on a stool and waits while I make toast.

I hear Ophelia purring. I turn around to Denki scratching behind her ears. "Hey," I say.

"Hi!" He exclaims.

"Why is there a cat?" Midoriya asks walking in the kitchen.

"She's my service cat Ophelia." I say putting my toast on a plate and sitting down next to Ophelia.

"Oh! Cool!" He says opening the fridge and pulling out a yogurt cup.

"Yeah," I say.

Kaminari takes a sliced of my toast and puts it in his mouth before I can react.

"Rude." I say rinsing my plate off.

Kami laughs before we head out with Ophelia in my arms.

Hey! I know this chapter isn't that long but it is longer than the last one! I'm surprised I uploaded twice in one day! Anyways I gotta go! See you next time!


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