3 Months

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⚠️Major Angst⚠️

3rd POV

3 months.

It had been 3 months since Hitoshi had been taken by the LOV.

Everyone was desperately trying to find him or the LOV's hideout, but had no luck.

Kaminari had been crying constantly, and though his current state, his grades were actually getting better.

He started studying more and focusing more in order to be the best hero, so he couldn't lose his one love again.

He couldn't do anything else. All he did was cry, study, eat, and sleep, then repeat.

Kaminari slept in Shinsou's room, with one of his hoodies on, and with Ophelia, afraid if he didn't that they would disappear too, like none of this ever existed.

The whole class, heck the whole school, was out looking for him, missing him and the bundle of joy he was with.

The Bakusquad was constantly trying to cheer him up, but it didn't work out.

This is how the conversations went.

"Hey Kami! What going on?!"

"Missing Hitoshi,"


"Do you want to do something?!"

"Find Hitoshi,"


They just wished he would feel happier.

One day one of the villains were spotted in public by the class. Yaoyorozu subtly put a tracker on his back just like she did at the attack during summer camp.

She told the teachers about it and make a tracking device for it.

They also told Kaminari which raised his spirits a little.

After a few days of constant tracking they figured out where the hideout was.

They had a small group with them including Aizawa, Hizashi, Kirishima, Bakugou, and Kaminari.

They snuck in careful to not get caught.

They crept into the base to find a pale and skinny Shinsou.

His clothes had been ripped, his hair slicked from sweat and grease, his skin so pale it looked like paper, he had clearly not had food or water since the week he was kidnapped.

Kaminari was in tears by what he saw, all of them were.

They walked over to him but he flinched, he clearly had been traumatized.

His pupils were dialed and he was non-responsive.

Aizawa carefully picked him up to not scare him too much.

His cheeks were stained with tears and he was so skinny it felt as if he was going to break in half in that moment.

They slipped outside and quickly went back to the school Aizawa careful with Shinsou.


It's been about a week, Hitoshi won't let anyone touch him and is still non-responsive. He can barely walk and has only ate a banana.

Ophelia has been helpful, constantly following him around just in case anything happens.

The class has been careful and keep his schedule, with things suck as when he needs to take his pills, when he has to eat, and when he has to drink.

They keep these things since he'll only eat at certain times. It must've been the times they fed him. Although they clearly didn't do it much.

His mental heath has gotten even worse and he has more panic attacks and depressive episodes.

Everyone's just trying to help and loves him, and he knows that, but that's not what the league said.

Hey! Sorry this was a sad chapter! I recently came out to my class! They were actually super kind and respectful about it! They are calling me Gi or Gio so that's great! Anyways I gotta go, see you next time!


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