(platonic) ignatz & lysithea // hcs

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Generally just Byleth's friendly relationships with those two. T'was requested from tunglr


Poor Ignatz has terrible confidence in his abilities. Without Ignatz asking, Byleth will give him some extra guidance with his swordsmanship and archery. With this extra help, Ignatz's skills are showing more confidence than they were before. When he gets invited to tea by the professor, he might end up rambling on about the goddess. Byleth will just sit there with a little smile, correcting things in their head whether Ignatz's ideas are correct or not. It's funny to hear since the professor personally knows the goddess. Sometimes Byleth will find Ignatz painting when he thought he was alone. No one can ever escape the professor since they seem to scour every single corner of the monastery at least once a month. The times when Byleth finds their student painting, they are always amazed at the careful brushstrokes and careful attention to detail in Ignatz's work. Byleth doesn't know much about art themself, but they still think Ignatz's art is amazing.When Ignatz feels selfconscious about their art (happens so goddamn much to me irl holy shit), the professor will help Ignatz find good things in the piece.With this, Byleth helps Ignatz's confidence in his art too.


This kid hates being treated like a kid. If you mention that she's younger than anyone and she will literally nuke you. Of course, Byleth just sees right past this and treats Lysithea as though she was any other student.Sometimes Lysithea might end up falling asleep in the library because she didn't get enough sleep the night before. She's a repeat offender of this.Byleth will simply move the book that she was reading to the side (making sure not to lose the page, though) and drape their jacket over Lysithea's shoulders like a blanket. When Byleth invites Lysithea to tea, Lysithea always ends up eating all the cakes and pastries available. Sometimes she'll promise to bring something for Byleth, but gets hungry and just eats it herself.When this happens, Byleth just laughs.Other times, if Lysithea gets upset, she might end up sulking in her room, not coming out for a while. To lure her out of her room, Byleth might leave some cakes in a trail outside Lysithea's room to get her outside. This tactic has worked more times than Lysithea likes.

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