sothmas // dedue (hcs)

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(post timeskip, after the war)

Holiday special headcanons B)

- that time of the year rolls around again, and it's Sothmas. Poor old dedue isn't overly familiar with the customs of Sothmas, because that's not something he's been worried about in the past. He knows about it, he's just not too sure what to do.
- Dedue knows a few things about it, like gift exchanges and whatnot, but he has no idea about other little traditions (like kissing under the mistletoe lmao)
- You explained to Dedue that the tree is supposed to be similar to Sothis's hair, since it's really big and green. The lights and ornaments in it are like the children of the Goddess, and then the little dragon at the top is like the Immaculate One.
- Since Dedue really enjoys gardening in his downtime, he added some beautiful flowers for decorations. He also helped you make other decorations around the monastery since he's much better at this sort of thing than you.
- As a joke, you had put a little bunch of mistletoe above an archway. When Dedue had first met you on Sothmas morning, you were standing under the archway with a sly grin on your face. You told him about this Fòdlan tradition, and he just went red in the face. He leaned down and gave you a tender kiss on the lips and didn't say much. He's still not used to much physical contact yet, which is always cute to watch.
- For Sothmas dinner, you and Dedue were busy in the kitchen preparing different foods for everyone. Others from the Blue Lions house had come and visited the monastery for the holidays. It was your idea to have some Duscurian food that Dedue could make and share with everyone.
- Dedue was a little surprised at this suggestion, but went along with it. He seemed really happy to be able to make food from his home and share it with those he held dear.
- Dedue wasn't too sure what you would want as a gift for Sothmas, so he decided that he would make you a soft overcoat with a beautiful flower pattern on the sleeves. (He likes sewing and that just makes my heart melt bro)
- it was your turn to give Dedue something, and you have decided to get him some rare flower seeds from Duscur and another earring like the one he used to wear. He loved both of the things you got him, and he wore the earring right away.
- Dedue wasn't very familiar with Fòdlan holidays, but spending them with the person he loved was more than he could ever ask for.

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