Chapter 3

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It's monday evening, Jen and Gabe are spread on my bed with fluffy blankets covering them, I'm sitting on the love sack next to my bed with a blanket of my own. We're tearing up from laughter while watching random episodes of our favorite show, Brooklyn Nine Nine.

"I love how Amy and Jake have this silly lovely relationship of theirs" Jen says about our favorite ship on the show.

"Yeah, I love how they had a deal that they would never date each other but actually ended up married." Gabe responds to Jen. We both look at him weirdly because he usually never discusses 'Peraltiago' (Amy and Jake's ship name) with us but don't think much into it.

After all the Halloween heist episodes, Jen's and mine meltdown because in one of the episodes Jake proposes to Amy and what seems like a trunk load of ice cream I turn off the TV and sit in my love sack in a position that makes me face them.

"O-Oh" Jane put the blanket over her head.

"But, I didn't even say anything yet!" I say with my voice obviously confused at her act.

"You don't have to, you never turn off BNN just to sit in your love sack and silently watch us." Gabe says with a smirk on his lips like he's proud that he knows me well.

"Whatever it is, just get it over with, please." I hear Jen mumble from under the blanket.

"I will as soon as you get out from under that blanket and you both start being mature enough to listen to me." I say so fast that it leaves me out of my breath and I watch them as they sit up straight like kids in first grade which makes me smile and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

"so, as both of you know, I'm getting the hell out of this place soon. You also know that I plan on staying with Tessa since she has a room already made for me." they watch me in confusion as of why I'm telling them the stuff they already know, when the truth is that I'm just buying myself some more time. After they nod i take a deep breath and just go for it.

"Tessa's apartment is only two subway stations away but it isn't at the same property as Stone High ( high school we're going to ) so.." i try and finish my sentence when Jen cuts me off.

"you're transferring" she says with a river waiting to come out of her eyes. I feel my heart aching and my throat getting tighter as I try and hold my emotions back.

"yes" i say so quietly that I'm not even sure they heard me, but from her now wet face and seeing that she's playing with her hands again i know they did. Gabe being Gabe tries to hold his emotions but I can see that he's not just okay with that, what I also see is a bit anger in his eyes that I'm not sure what to do with, he places his hand on Jen's hands to calm her down because that's who he is. Always comforting others.

"guys we'll be fine, we'll still see each other, we'll still have our monday evenings, don't bail on me here now, i really need you in this moment" after saying those words I feel all the tears i was holding back are , well, not being held back anymore, as soon as I'm able to see clearly again i am pulled in a hug, my favorite hug with my favorite people, my safe place.

"of course we'll be okay Maddie, of course!" i hear Jen say as she's pulling me tighter.

"we'll always be here for you and you're always gonna be there for us" Gabe says while trying to swipe all the tears from my and Jen's eyes but laughs a little when he realizes that they just keep on coming.

"can I join you guys? it's your last monday evening here and I'm gonna miss her too, you know.." we hear a voice that's not normally in the room with us on the monday evening and look up to see Damie standing on the door frame.

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